Debate With 'Marxist-Leninist
Theory' -- 002
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Response -- Part Two
and Self-Motion
Quantity Into Quality [Q/Q]
'Dialectical Qualities'?
Is Energy
Examples Of Changes In 'Quality' With No 'Addition' Of Matter Or Energy
DM Would Make Change Impossible
Everything Changes Into That With Which It 'Struggles'
Implies Workers Must Change Into Capitalists
Summary Of My Main Objections To
Dialectical Materialism
Abbreviations Used At This
Return To The Main Index Page
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A few
months ago, I posted a brief comment on a YouTube page
devoted to
introducing viewers to certain aspects of Dialectical Materialism. A debate
soon followed (I have posted the material related to this in
Part One); the present page constitutes the second half of my
response to
MLT (as I have called
It has also come to my attention that
MLT has
posted a
video of his objections to my arguments against DM. As far as I can see,
MLT merely repeats (in more detail) the objections he raised on the original
page, to which, I think, these two halves of my response can be seen as an
answer. However, over the next week or so, I will post a reply specifically
targeted at the contents of this video. [That can now be found here,
and here.]
Up until now, this debate has been conducted in a
respectful manner, and I hope this will continue. However, the aforementioned video
is entitled "Refuting a Trotskyite attack on Dialectics". Because 'Trotskyite'
is a term of abuse often used by Stalinists, Maoists and the
right-wing press, I have asked MLT to stop calling me by this abusive
term. Apparently, he has agreed.
Finally, I had hoped the second half of my reply
would be much shorter than the first. While it is shorter (by
approximately 11,000 words) it is still far too long -- for which I can only
apologise to the reader.
Response -- Part Two
Lenin And Self-Motion
In Part One, I replied to the first couple of
paragraphs of MLT's response to me; in which case, I will begin with this
comment of his:
Lenin only spoke of self-motion once or twice. Speculation based on those couple
of paragraphs is your supposed evidence. There's no quote where Marx, Engels or
Lenin deny existence of external forces, in fact they use them all the time.
You're saying that because they don't specifically say "yes, external forces
exist" they must deny them. I think part of the problem here is that the Hegelian
term "self-motion" is pretty vague and easy to misunderstand. It doesn't mean
that things move infinitely by themselves but that they have some purpose/goal
they're moving towards. In a way he is talking about them as subjects with
intent but you shouldn't take it completely literally. Objects have internal
contradictions and potentials which determine their development (self-motion)
towards that higher stage of development. That is my understanding of it.
In fact Lenin claimed that Dialectical Logic [DL]
"demanded" we see things a certain way:
"Dialectical logic
demands that we go further…. [It] requires that an object should
be taken in development, in 'self-movement' (as Hegel sometimes puts it)…."
(1921), p.90. Bold emphases in the original.
Italic emphasis added.]
As we saw in Part One (here
here), there were excellent reasons why Lenin (and Hegel) argued this point. Indeed,
Lenin explicitly
counterposed this approach to that which views objects and processes as
identity of opposites…is the recognition…of the contradictory, mutually
exclusive, opposite tendencies in all phenomena and processes of
nature…. The condition for the knowledge of all processes of the world in their
'self-movement,' in their spontaneous development, in their real life, is the
knowledge of them as a unity of opposites. Development is the 'struggle' of
opposites. The two basic (or two possible? or two historically observable?)
conceptions of development (evolution) are: development as decrease and increase,
as repetition, and development as a unity of opposites (the division of a
unity into mutually exclusive opposites and their reciprocal relation).
"In the first conception of
motion, self-movement, its driving force, its source, its motive,
remains in the shade (or this source is made external -- God, subject,
etc.). In the second conception the chief attention is directed precisely to
knowledge of the source of 'self'-movement.
"The first conception is lifeless,
pale and dry. The second is living. The second
alone furnishes the key to the 'self-movement' of everything
existing; it alone furnishes the key to the 'leaps,' to the 'break in
continuity,' to the 'transformation into the opposite,' to the destruction of
the old and the emergence of the new.
unity (coincidence, identity, equal action) of opposites is conditional, temporary, transitory, relative. The
struggle of mutually exclusive opposites is absolute, just as development and
motion are absolute." [Lenin (1961),
pp.357-58. Bold emphases
alone added.
Quotation marks altered to conform with the conventions adopted at this site.]
So, according to Lenin, this idea (something I have
called "Internalism") isn't a minor point,
something dialecticians can safely ignore, or down-play -- and that is because:
"The second
alone furnishes the key to the 'self-movement' of everything
existing; it alone furnishes the key to the 'leaps,' to the 'break in
continuity,' to the 'transformation into the opposite,' to the destruction of
the old and the emergence of the new." [Ibid.]
Hence, according to Lenin, everything in the entire
universe is 'self-moving'. To argue otherwise would be to allow 'God' back in.
Engels endorsed this point, as well:
"The philosophy of nature
offered us a cosmogony whose starting point is a 'self-identical state of
matter', a state which can only be conceived by means of the most hopeless
confusion over the relation between matter and motion, and which, moreover, can
only be conceived on the assumption of an extramundane personal God who alone
can get it in motion...." [Engels (1976),
Quotation marks altered to conform to the conventions adopted at this site.]
Mao, too, underlined this idea:
"The metaphysical or vulgar evolutionist world outlook sees
things as isolated, static and one-sided. It regards all things in the universe,
their forms and their species, as eternally isolated from one another and
immutable. Such change as there is can only be an increase or decrease in
quantity or a change of place. Moreover, the cause of such an increase or
decrease or change of place is not inside things but outside them, that is, the motive force is external.
Metaphysicians hold that all the different kinds of things in the universe and
all their characteristics have been the same ever since they first came into
being. All subsequent changes have simply been increases or decreases in
quantity. They contend that a thing can only keep on repeating itself as the
same kind of thing and cannot change into anything different. In their opinion,
capitalist exploitation, capitalist competition, the individualist ideology of
capitalist society, and so on, can all be found in ancient slave society, or
even in primitive society, and will exist for ever unchanged. They ascribe the
causes of social development to factors external to society, such as geography
and climate. They search in an over-simplified way outside a thing for the
causes of its development, and they deny
the theory of materialist dialectics which holds that development arises from
the contradictions inside a thing. Consequently they can explain neither
the qualitative diversity of things, nor the phenomenon of one quality changing
into another. In Europe, this mode of thinking existed as mechanical materialism
in the 17th and 18th centuries and as vulgar evolutionism at the end of the 19th
and the beginning of the 20th centuries. In China, there was the metaphysical
thinking exemplified in the saying 'Heaven
changeth not, likewise the Tao
not', and it was supported by the decadent feudal ruling classes for a long
time. Mechanical materialism and vulgar evolutionism, which were imported from
Europe in the last hundred gears, are supported by the bourgeoisie.
"As opposed to the metaphysical world outlook, the world
outlook of materialist dialectics holds that in order to understand the development of a thing we should study
it internally and in its relations with other things; in other words, the
development of things should be seen as their internal and necessary
self-movement, while each thing in its movement is interrelated with and
interacts on the things around it. The fundamental cause of the development of a
thing is not external but internal; it lies in the contradictoriness within the
thing. There is internal contradiction in every single thing, hence its motion
and development. Contradictoriness within a thing is the fundamental cause of
its development, while its interrelations and interactions with other things are
secondary causes. Thus materialist dialectics effectively combats the
theory of external causes, or of an external motive force, advanced by
metaphysical mechanical materialism and vulgar evolutionism. It
is evident that purely external causes can only give rise to mechanical motion,
that is, to changes in scale or quantity, but cannot explain why things differ
qualitatively in thousands of ways and why one thing changes into another. As a matter of fact, even mechanical
motion under external force occurs through the internal contradictoriness of
things. Simple growth in plants and animals, their quantitative
development, is likewise chiefly the result of their internal contradictions.
Similarly, social development is due chiefly not to external but to internal
causes.... According to materialist dialectics, changes in nature are due
chiefly to the development of the internal contradictions in nature. Changes in
society are due chiefly to the development of the internal contradictions in
society, that is, the contradiction between the productive forces and the
relations of production, the contradiction between classes and the contradiction
between the old and the new; it is the development of these contradictions that
pushes society forward and gives the impetus for the supersession of the old
society by the new. Does materialist
dialectics exclude external causes? Not at all. It holds that external causes
are the condition of change and internal causes are the basis of change, and
that external causes become operative through internal causes. In a suitable temperature an egg changes
into a chicken, but no temperature can change a stone into a chicken, because
each has a different basis. There is constant interaction between the
peoples of different countries. In the era of capitalism, and especially in the
era of imperialism and proletarian revolution, the interaction and mutual impact
of different countries in the political, economic and cultural spheres are
extremely great...
"The universality or absoluteness of contradiction has a
twofold meaning. One is that
contradiction exists in the process of development of all things, and the other
is that in the process of development of each thing a movement of opposites
exists from beginning to end.
"Engels said, 'Motion itself is a
Lenin defined the law of the unity of opposites as 'the recognition (discovery)
of the contradictory, mutually exclusive,
opposite tendencies in
phenomena and processes of nature
mind and society)'.
Are these ideas correct? Yes, they are.
The interdependence of the contradictory aspects present in all things and the
struggle between these aspects determine the life of all things and push their
development forward. There is nothing that does not contain contradiction;
without contradiction nothing would exist.
"Contradiction is the basis of the simple forms of motion (for
instance, mechanical motion) and still more so of the complex forms of motion."
[Mao (1961b),
pp 312-13, 316. Bold
emphases alone added; quotation marks altered to conform to the conventions adopted
at this site.]
In Essay Eight
Part One, I have quoted numerous
'lesser' DM-theorists who say the same sort of thing as Lenin and Mao (some of
which material has been re-posted in Note 1 -- link below), which
shows that they, too, saw this as central to their theory. In that Essay, I have
also tried to resolve the inconsistency between the claim
that everything is "self-moving" and the idea that they also have external
causes -- which seems to be Mao's position, although he nowhere tries to explain
how this can work. As I have shown, there is no way to resolve this
'contradiction', which is why I often repeat the claim that DM is far too vague
and confused for anyone to be able to say whether or not is it true, or even
what it commits its believers to!
[DM = Dialectical Materialism/Materialist, depending
on context.]
As noted above, other DM-theorists say more-or-less the same; here
is Cornforth:
"The second dogmatic
assumption of mechanism is the assumption that no change can ever happen except
by the action of some external cause.
"Just as no part of a machine
moves unless another part acts on it and makes it move, so mechanism sees matter
as being inert -- without motion, or rather without self-motion. For mechanism,
nothing ever moves unless something else pushes or pulls is, it never changes
unless something else interferes with it.
"No wonder that, regarding
matter in this way, the mechanists had to believe in a Supreme Being to give the
'initial push'....
"No, the world was not
created by a Supreme Being. Any particular organisation of matter, any
particular process of matter in motion, has an origin and a beginning.... But
matter in motion had no origin, no beginning....
"So in studying the causes of
change, we should not merely seek for external causes of change, but should
above all seek for the source of change within the process itself, in its own
self-movement, in the inner impulses to development contained in things
themselves." [Cornforth (1976), pp.40-43. Bold emphases alone added;
quotation marks altered to conform to the conventions adopted at this site.]
I have quoted other DM-theorists to this effect in
Note 1.1
[I have covered the other things
MLT said (in the
passage quoted at the beginning of this section) in
Part One.]
The Law Of The Change
Of Quantity Into Quality [Q/Q]
[Much of the following material has been adapted from
two sources: (1) Essay Seven Part One,
and (2) Engels And
Mickey Mouse Science.]
A few initial points are worth making before I
proceed to reply to MLT:
I began this project back in 1998 in order to show
that DM is far too vague and confused for anyone to be able to say whether it
was true or false, but in late 2005 several friends (who were also
revolutionaries) urged me to post this material on-line. In that year I also
began to debate this theory on the Internet with comrades, and so my site took on an added
advantage: it would save me having to type-out the same points over and over again.
Since then, I have raked over this topic hundreds of times (no exaggeration!) --
links to many of these discussions can be found
here. So, readers will, I hope,
understand it if I quote this material extensively, since I really do not want
to have to type it all out again -- for the 100th time!
With respect to Q/Q, I have also repeatedly made the
point that this aspect of DM is far too vague and confused for its veracity to
be assessed either way. Among background the issues I have raised are the following:
(1) The vast majority of DM-theorists (and comrades
with whom I have debated this) fail to tell us what they mean by "quality".
Often they think this word/concept is so straight-forward that it is in need of
no clarification. However, as we will see, this allows them to apply this term
when and where it suits them, refusing to do so when that is in their favour,
too. This means that they all apply this key term subjectively. Moreover,
of the few who do tell us what they mean by this term, the
examples they then use to illustrate this law in fact refute it (as we will
(2) We are never told, either, how long a "nodal" point (a
"leap") is supposed to last. So, anything from an Ice Age to a quantum leap
could count as a "nodal" point. Again, this introduces a note of subjectivity into
what is supposed to be an objective law.
(3) In like manner, we are left in the dark concerning the
energetic, physical or thermodynamic boundaries of any body, system or process
to which, or from which, energy and/or matter has been 'added' or 'subtracted'. In
fact, as is easy to show, we aren't even told what 'adding' or 'subtracting' energy
and/or matter amounts to, either.
(4) We are also left to guess what counts as
a body, system or process to which, or from which, energy and/or matter has been
[There are other vagaries that haunt DM, some of
which will emerge as this response progresses.]
When I raise these issues with those who support
this theory, their response tends to fall into one or more of the following
(a) The vast majority ignore them!
[This can be
confirmed by anyone who follows the links I have posted
here, or who reads
Engels and Mickey
Mouse Science,
Socialist Unity
Censors Debate, and
Dialecticians in
Glass Houses.]
(b) One or two make a lame attempt to 'define'
"quality" (which attempt only serves to undermine the few examples of this law
that they themselves have used to illustrate it, as we will also see) -- but even
they refuse to tackle (2)-(4).
(c) Still others complain about my "pedantry" (on
that see below).
This prompted me into labelling this aspect of DM,
Mickey Mouse
Science, and here is why (this material has been excerpted from
Engels and Mickey Mouse Science -- link above):
Anyone who has studied or practiced genuine science knows the
great care and attention to detail that has to be devoted by researchers, often
over many years or decades, if they
want to add to or alter even relatively minor areas of current knowledge, let
alone establish a new law. This was the case in Engels's day, just as it is the
case today. Moreover, the concepts employed by scientists have to be analytically sound. The use of primary data is essential (or it has at least to
be reviewed and/or referenced by the scientists involved); supporting evidence has to be
precise, detailed,
meticulously recorded, and subject not only to public scrutiny, but also to peer review.
In contrast, the sort
of Mickey Mouse Science one finds in Creationist literature is rightly the
target of derision by scientists and Marxists alike. And yet, when it comes to
DM, we find in Engels's writings (and those of subsequent dialecticians) little
other than Mickey Mouse Science. Engels supplied no original data, and what little
evidence he offered in support of his 'Laws' would have been rejected as
amateurish in the extreme if it had appeared in an undergraduate science paper,
let alone in a research document --, even in his day! It is salutary,
therefore, to compare Engels's approach to scientific proof with that of Darwin, whose classic work is a model of
clarity and original research. Darwin presented the scientific community with
extensive evidence and fresh data, which has been expanded upon greatly over the last 150 years.
DM-Mickey Mouse Science with the real thing; here, for example, is one report of
the accuracy achieved by the instruments aboard the recently launched
"The satellite
has been given an initial mission duration of five years to make its 3D map of
the sky.
"By repeatedly
viewing its targets, it should get to know the brightest stars' coordinates down
an error of just seven
micro-arcseconds -- an angle equivalent to a
euro coin on the Moon being observed from Earth." [Quoted from
Accessed 06/02/2014. Bold emphasis added.]
Even back in the
16th century, astronomers were concerned with accuracy and precision;
Tycho Brahe,
for instance, was able to observe the heavens with the naked eye down to an
accuracy of one arcminute (1/60th of a degree!). Once again, this is
typical of genuine science, which, naturally, starkly distinguishes it
from the 'science' we encounter in DM.2
[Several other examples of genuine science have been posted in Note 2.]
The picture is almost
the exact opposite when we turn to consider not just the paucity of
evidence illustrating (it certainly does not prove) Engels's first 'Law',
the transformation of quantity into quality [Q/Q], but also the total lack of clarity
in the concepts employed. In Anti-Dühring and Dialectics of Nature,
for example, we aren't told what a "quality" is, nor how long a dialectical
"node" is supposed to last. Furthermore, we are left completely in the dark what
the phrase "addition" of matter and energy means, nor are we told what
the energetic (thermodynamic) boundaries are (if there are any!) to
the systems under consideration. Indeed, we aren't even told
what constitutes a system,
or what counts as that system "developing"!
Moreover, supporting
'evidence' alone is considered; problem cases are just ignored. In this, too, DM
further resembles 'Creation Science'.
Again, unlike
genuine science, this situation hasn't changed much in dialectical circles in the
last 140 years. This led me to observe (in an earlier Essay):
Moreover, this Law is so vaguely worded that dialecticians can use it in
whatever way they please. If this is difficult to believe, ask the very next
dialectician you meet precisely how long a "nodal point" is supposed to last.
You will receive no reply! As
seems clear, if no one knows, anything from a Geological Age to an instantaneous
quantum leap could be "nodal"!
And, it really isn't good enough for dialectically-inclined comrades to dismiss
this as mere pedantry. Can you imagine a genuine scientist refusing to
say how long a crucially important interval in her theory is supposed to be, and accusing you of "pedantry" for even asking?
"pedantry" itself, I noted the following in
another Essay:
However, to any who think that this sort "pedantry" (or
"semantics") -- or, attention to detail -- can be ignored, it is worth
pointing out that this is the only way they
can excuse their own sloppy approach to philosophy, and the only way they can make their ideas
even seem to work.
sort of attitude would not be tolerated for one second in the sciences, or in any other
branch of genuine knowledge. Can you imagine the fuss if someone were to
argue that it doesn't really matter what
Magna Carta said, or when and where the
of the Nile was fought, or what the
Declaration of Independence actually contained, or what the exact wording is of
Newton's Second Law, or whether "G", the
Gravitational Constant, is 6.6742 x 10-11 or 6.7642 x 10-11
or indeed something else? Such pedantic details are merely 'academic'.
Would we accept the following excuse from a
boss who said that the precise wording of a worker's employment contract was irrelevant?
Would we allow someone to argue that
it was of no concern what Marx really meant by "variable
capital", or who complained that he had "pedantically" distinguished
exchange-value -- or more pointedly, the "relative
form" from the "equivalent
form" of value --, and that these
distinctions are merely "semantic"?
And how would we react if someone said, "Who cares if there
are serious differences in the evidence given by those two cops against these strikers"? Or, if someone retorted "Big
deal if there are a few
minor errors in this or that e-mail address/web page
URL, or in this mathematical proof! And who cares whether there's a difference
mass and
mass in Physics! What are you, some kind of pedant!?"
So, one of the reasons why I have labelled DM "Mickey
Mouse Science" is now quite plain. The examples usually given by dialecticians to illustrate the
First 'Law' [Q/Q] are (almost without exception) either amateurish,
anecdotal or impressionistic. If someone were to submit a paper to a science
journal purporting to establish the veracity of a new law with the same level of
vagueness, imprecision, triteness, lack of detail (or, indeed, mathematics!) -- aggravated
by comparable theoretical naivety -- it would
be rejected out-of-hand at the first stage, its author's reputation forever
Indeed, dialecticians would themselves treat with
derision any attempt to establish, say, the truth of classical
economic theory or the falsity of Marx's work with an evidential display that was as crassly amateurish as this
--, to say
nothing of the contempt they would show for such theoretical wooliness. In circumstances
like these, dialecticians, who might otherwise be quick to cry "pedantry"
at the issues raised here (and in other Essays published at this site), would become
devoted pedants themselves, and would nit-pick with the best at such inferior anti-Marxist work
-- and rightly so.
Any who
doubt this should compare the average DM text (even those that sincerely
try to prove there is a dialectic of nature, such as RIRE, or Gollobin
(1986)) with a bona
fide scientific/technical paper that has been published in any
randomly chosen issue of, say,
The difference between
Mickey Mouse Dialectical Science and genuine science will
immediately become apparent.
[RIRE = Reason In Revolt; i.e., Woods and
Grant (2007); UO = Unity of Opposites; FL = Formal Logic.]
In the place of hard evidence, what we
invariably find in DM-texts are the same hackneyed examples, dredged up year-in year-out. These include the following hardy perennials: boiling and/or freezing water, cells that are alive and/or dead, grains of barley that 'negate'
themselves, magnets that are
UOs, Mamelukes' ambiguous fighting ability when
matched against French soldiers, Mendeleyev's
Table, the sentence "John is a man", homilies about parts and wholes (e.g., "The whole is greater than the sum of
the parts", etc., etc.), characters from Molière who discover they have been speaking prose
all their lives, laughably
and misguided attempts to characterise the principles of FL,
"Yay, Yay", and "Nay, Nay", anything more than this "cometh of evil",
'duality', 'emergent' properties popping into existence all over the
place, etc., etc., etc.
Even then, we are never given a scientific report on these phenomena; all
we find in DM-texts are a few brief, amateurish and impressionistic sentences
(or, at most, a handful of paragraphs) devoted to each
example. At
its best (once again, in, say, Woods and Grant (2007), or Gollobin (1986)), all we
are presented with are a few chapters of secondary or tertiary evidence
(recycled year-in, year-out), which has been specially-selected and heavily slanted in the
direction. No contrary evidence is even so much as mentioned.
In contrast with, and in relation to, say,
economics or current affairs, Marxists are keen to provide countless pages
of primary and secondary data and analysis (much of it original), which they update
regularly. But, when it comes to
dialectics all we are presented with is watery-thin 'evidence', and even thinner reasoning. Small wonder then that
to its Marxist opponents, like myself, this area of theory is
regarded as
risibly weak and is treated with the contempt it deserves.
So, what has
MLT argued in favour of this aspect
of DM?
Melting is the process where the molecular ordering of a substance breaks down.
With water it happens seemingly instantly. With most things it happens over a
temperature range which is known as the "melting point range" i.e. the point
between when the first crystal begins to liquefy (or when the first drop of
liquid appears) and the point when all of them are liquid because most things
are alloys or mixtures of some kind.
Pure iron (Fe) has a fixed melting point of 1535°C, chromium (Cr) 1890°C and
nickel (Ni) 1453°C compared to a range of 1400-1450 °C for type 304 stainless
Of course,
MLT was restricted in the amount of detail he
could give by the space available to him over at YouTube, but, even then,
we can see here the same vagueness and imprecision characteristic of
DM-supporters in general. MLT made no effort to tell us what counts as a
"quality", or how long a "nodal" point is supposed to last, in which case,
as predicted above, it was
easy for him to apply these vague notions to his interpretation of this theory.
The first point that needs to be made in reply is
that I have nowhere argued that there are no sudden changes in nature or
society, only that not all changes in "quality" are sudden -- so this aspect of
Engels's law is defective.3
[Several examples of changes in "quality" that aren't sudden have been given in Note 3.]
But, what of the points
MLT raises above?
original argument had been that many substances change from sold to liquid
slowly (when heated) -- for example, these include
the following: melting or solidifying
plastic (polymers), metal, resin, rock, sulphur, tar
toffee, sugar, chocolate, wax, butter, cheese, and
solids such as glass. [Concerning glass and other amorphous solids, see
below.] MLT appears to ignore this, and
refers me to melting points (and possibly also boiling points), but
even this isn't as clear cut as he seems to think.
For example, if a pan of water is heated to, say, 70oC,
and kept at that temperature for an hour or so, the water will slowly turn to
steam in a non-"nodal" environment. As I point out in Essay Seven Part One:
Consider another example: what if a certain body of water
were heated up very rapidly (for example, because the heat source was immense --
say, from a nuclear explosion), and it went from water to steam in just a few
seconds; here, the "nodal" point involved would clearly be very short. Compare this
with the same body of water heated up very slowly (perhaps as a result of
long-term global warming), so that it evaporated gradually over the space of
several centuries, for the same input of energy.
there would be no
"nodal" point at all in this case -- because, in this instance the water would never actually boil,
even though it would still evaporate.
Indeed, evaporation takes place all the time, right round the world as the
oceans re-cycle water into the atmosphere very
Furthermore, the hackneyed example of water boiling
at 100oC
isn't all it seems either. Again, this is from Essay Seven Part One:
The boiling water example is one
of the most overworked clichés in the dialectical repertoire. Hardly a
single DM-supporter fails to mention it, so mantra-like has dialectics become.
Nevertheless, it is worth noting that as water is
heated up, steam increasingly leaves the surface in a non-"nodal" fashion.
The rate at which it leaves the surface increases gradually as the temperature
rises. There is no sudden 'leap', in this case. So, even here we have a smooth transition from liquid to gas; indeed, if a pan
of water is kept at 99oC
for long enough, all of the water will slowly disappear as steam. And,
who doesn't know that water evaporates at room temperature? Who has never dried
clothes on a line, crockery and/or cooking utensils on a drainer? Who on earth
doesn't know that some
rivers, ponds and lakes dry up in hot weather? Where is the "leap", here? Hence,
examples like this illustrate a well-known fact:
many, if not most processes in nature run smoothly, and are non-"nodal".
Returning to the over-used cliché: at 100oC,
events accelerate dramatically; but even then they do so
non-"nodally". A few tenths of a degree below the critical point, depending on the purity of the water, ambient conditions
and how the liquid is being heated
(etc.), bubbles begin to form more rapidly in the liquid. This process accelerates increasingly quickly as the
boiling point is approached. What we see, therefore, is a non-"nodal" change of phase/state
of matter,
even here. The phase
or state of
change in this case isn't sudden -- like the snapping of a
rubber band, or of the breaking of glass. We do not see no bubbles and then a microsecond later a
violently frothing mass, which we would do if this were "nodal".
Of course, dialecticians
could concede the truth of the above observation -- i.e., that before the liquid
reaches 100oC
water molecules leave the surface all the time --, but they might still reject
the above assertion that this isn't an example of "nodal" change. They might even add that when a water molecule
changes from its liquid to its gaseous state certain chemical bonds are broken,
and that this happens suddenly, and "nodally". But, even this isn't as clear-cut as
it might seem. Certainly, when a bond is broken, this will be sudden, but there
is no "break in gradualness" (required by
this 'Law'), in this case. Bonds do not gradually break, and then suddenly
break. They just break. There are only "nodes" in this instance.
Here, for example, is how Hegel depicted things:
"It is said, natura non facit saltum [there are no leaps in nature]; and
ordinary thinking when it has to grasp a coming-to-be or a ceasing-to-be, fancies it has done so by representing it as a gradual emergence or disappearance. But we have seen that the alterations of being in general are not only the transition of one magnitude into another,
but a transition from quality into quantity and vice versa, a becoming-other which is an interruption of gradualness and the production of something qualitatively different from the reality which preceded it. Water, in cooling, does not gradually harden as if it thickened like porridge, gradually solidifying until it reached the consistency of ice; it suddenly solidifies, all at once. It can remain quite fluid even at freezing point if it is standing undisturbed, and then a slight shock will bring it into the solid state."
(1999), p.370, §776. Bold emphases alone added.]
here is Engels -- again copying Hegel:
"With this
assurance Herr Dühring saves himself the trouble of saying anything further
about the origin of life, although it might reasonably have been expected that a
thinker who had traced the evolution of the world back to its self-equal state,
and is so much at home on other celestial bodies, would have known exactly
what's what also on this point. For the rest, however, the assurance he gives
us is only half right unless it is completed by the Hegelian nodal line of
measure relations which has already been mentioned. In spite of all gradualness,
the transition from one form of motion to another always remains a leap, a
decisive change. This is true of the transition from the mechanics of celestial
bodies to that of smaller masses on a particular celestial body; it is equally
true of the transition from the mechanics of masses to the mechanics of
molecules -- including the forms of motion investigated in physics proper: heat,
light, electricity, magnetism. In the same way, the transition from the physics
of molecules to the physics of atoms -- chemistry -- in turn involves a decided
leap; and this is even more clearly the case in the transition from ordinary
chemical action to the chemism of albumen which we call life. Then within
the sphere of life the leaps become ever more infrequent and imperceptible. --
Once again, therefore, it is Hegel who has to correct Herr Dühring." [Engels
pp.82-83. Bold emphasis added.]
Here, too, is Plekhanov:
"[I]t will be understood without difficulty by
anyone who is in the least capable of dialectical thinking...[that]
quantitative changes, accumulating gradually, lead in the end to
changes of quality, and that these changes of quality represent leaps,
interruptions in gradualness…. That is how all Nature acts…."
[Plekhanov (1956),
pp.74-77, 88,
Bold emphases alone added.]
And this is what Lenin had to say:
"The 'nodal
line of measure relations'... -- transitions of quantity into quality....
Gradualness and leaps. And again...that gradualness explains nothing
without leaps." [Lenin (1961),
p.123. Bold emphasis alone added. Lenin added in the margin here: "Leaps! Leaps! Leaps!"]
distinguishes the dialectical transition from the undialectical transition? The
leap. The contradiction. The interruption of gradualness. The unity (identity)
of Being and not-Being." [Ibid.,
p.282. Bold emphasis added.]
Notice, this law isn't just about sudden breaks, it
is also about a discontinuity between "gradualness" and a subsequent sudden "leap".
the chemical bonds between atoms manifestly do not gradually break as the
substance in question is heated; there are only sudden breaks here. So,
whatever else this is an example of, it isn't Engels's [Q/Q] law; in this case
there is no "interruption of gradualness".
Any who might be tempted to regard
this as a minor point that can safely be ignored only needs to re-read
what Lenin had to say:
distinguishes the dialectical transition from the undialectical transition? The
leap. The contradiction. The interruption of gradualness...." [Ibid.,
p.282. Bold emphases added.]
This precise point -- the interruption of
gradualness terminating in a "leap" -- distinguishes "the dialectical transition
from the undialectical transition". So, according to Lenin, this is a core
principle of dialectics which can only be ignored by those who seek to undermine
the distinction between a dialectical and a non-dialectical transition.
The problem is that this means that the vast
majority of examples to which DM-theorists appeal to illustrate their law
(ranging from water boiling, through Organic Molecules, to Mendeleyev's Table)
fail to illustrate it!
[Why this law fails to apply to Mendeleyev's Table,
Organic Molecules or quantum "leaps" inside the atom, or elsewhere), is
explained here.]
Of course, dialecticians might still want to insist
that quantitative increase or decrease effects qualitative change (in the above
manner), in this case; but, again, there is nothing
in the phenomena themselves that forces that description on us. Hence,
this 'Law' is subjective, at best, when it is applied here, too; i.e., it
only appears to work if a preferred
description is imposed on the facts.
Once more, how is this different from
forcing a certain view onto nature?
But, what of the 'melting point' argument? They are
surely sudden, "nodal" -- in the sense that they relate to a precise
temperature at which a change of state occurs. Maybe so, but that doesn't
affect the point that metals change from solid to liquid slowly. As I
pointed out in Engels and Mickey Mouse Science:
Sure, each metal has a defined melting point at which juncture it (or parts of
it) will have melted,
but despite this, at lower temperatures that metal will begin to soften, and that
softening is gradual. There is no clearly defined point between this gradual
softening and the fully melted metal. Human beings have known this for thousands
of years -- it is what makes metals malleable and formable. So, the "qualitative" transition
of metals from solid to
liquid is slow, not rapid. At the melting point, the above softening process
ends, but the
lead up to it is unquestionably slow. The qualitative change (solid-to-liquid)
here is typically non-nodal. The same is true of the other examples I gave. Who
doesn't know that glass and
many plastics melt slowly?
This topic is clearly connected to certain
processes and laws
in Thermodynamics, in relation to latent heat, and to what are called 'First
Order Phase Transitions', among other things. Here is what I have argued
about this in Essay Seven Part One:
"Not so!" I hear some readers exclaim. But,
as we will see, the nature
of these "nodal points" is left entirely obscure by dialecticians. Until
they clarify what they mean by this concept, whatever they might say,
not even they will know whether
or not the claims made in this Essay are accurate.
To be sure, the picture
nature presents us with in this respect is highly complex, which is one of the
reasons why Engels's 'Laws' can't possibly capture its complexity,
regardless of the other serious flaws they contain.
It is also worth emphasising at this point that the nature of
state of
matter transitions is not being questioned in this Essay, only whether all of them are sudden/"nodal".
Consequently, either the "nodal" aspect of
the First 'Law' is defective, or it only works in some cases, not others -- in
which case, it can't be a law.
In fact, Physicists tell us that what they
call "second-order" Phase Transitions can proceed smoothly. As
one online source tells us:
"Second-order phase transitions, on the other hand, proceed smoothly. The old phase transforms
itself into the new phase in a continuous manner."
[We will also see
that "first order" phase changes aren't all that straight-forward, either.]
Moreover, under certain
it is possible to by-pass phase transformations altogether. [More about that later,
Furthermore, it is important to distinguish between states of
matter, and phases:
"Phases are sometimes confused with
states of matter, but
there are significant differences. States of matter refers to the differences
between gases, liquids, solids, etc. If there are two regions in a chemical
system that are in different states of matter, then they must be different
phases. However, the reverse is not true -- a system can have multiple phases
which are in equilibrium with each other and also in the same state of matter.
For example,
diamond and
are both solids but they are different phases, even though their composition may
be identical. A system with oil and water at room temperature will be two
different phases of differing composition, but both will be the liquid state of
matter." [Wikipedia.]
On another page we find the following:
"States of matter are sometimes confused with
phases. This is likely due to the fact that in many
example systems, the familiar phase transitions are also transformations of the
state of matter. In the example of water, the phases of ice, liquid water, and
water vapour are commonly recognized. The common phase transitions observed in a
one component system containing only water are
(liquid/gas) and
"Transitions between different states of matter
of the same chemical component are necessarily a phase transformation, but not
all phase transformations involve a change in the state of matter. For example,
there are 14 different forms of ice, all of which are the solid state of matter.
When one form of ice transforms into another, the crystal structure, density,
and a number of physical properties change, but it remains a solid." [Wikipedia.
Bold emphasis added.]
So, here we have a 'phase change' while the supposed "quality"
(the state of matter) remains the same!
It isn't easy to see how this can be made consistent with the
First 'Law'.
And, as this Wikipedia article goes on to say:
"In general, two different states of a system are
in different phases if there is an abrupt change in their physical properties
while transforming from one state to the other. Conversely, two states are in
the same phase if they can be transformed into one another without any abrupt
changes." [Wikipedia.
Bold emphasis added.]
So, even here, some "qualitative" changes are non-"nodal".
Indeed, the situation is even more complicated still:
"In the
diagram, the phase boundary between liquid and gas does not continue
indefinitely. Instead, it terminates at a point on the phase diagram called the
critical point. At
temperatures and pressure above the critical point, the physical property
differences that differentiate the liquid phase from the gas phase become less
defined. This reflects the fact that, at extremely high temperatures and
pressures, the liquid and gaseous phases become indistinguishable. In water,
the critical point occurs at around 647K (374°C or 705°F) and
MPa." [Wikipedia.
Bold emphasis added.]
physical chemistry,
chemistry and
condensed matter physics,
a critical point, also called a critical state, specifies the
conditions (temperature, pressure) at which the liquid
state of the matter
ceases to exist. As a liquid is heated, its density decreases while the pressure
and density of the vapour being formed increases. The liquid and vapour
densities become closer and closer to each other until the critical temperature
is reached where the two densities are equal and the liquid-gas line or phase
boundary disappears. Additionally, as the equilibrium between liquid and gas
approaches the critical point,
heat of vaporization
approaches zero, becoming zero at and beyond the critical point. More generally,
the critical point is the point of termination of a
phase equilibrium
curve, which separates two distinct phases. At this point, the phases are no
longer distinguishable." [Wikipedia.
Bold emphasis added. Spelling changed to conform to UK English.]
However, the above page has been altered since I originally consulted it.
Nevertheless, what is had to say is conformed by this specialist
"At T6 the
two phases cannot be distinguished any more. This point in the p-T-diagram
is called the critical point. The distinction between gas and liquid
cannot be made any more. From the critical point on we call both phases
together the liquid phase in contrast to the solid phase." [Quoted
here; accessed 23/02/2015. Bold emphases alone added.]
This can only mean that qualitative differences between the
liquid and gaseous phases of water are energy-neutral beyond this "critical point",
contradicting Engels.
Here is what a standard Physical Chemistry textbook had to say:
"[W]e must distinguish the
thermodynamic description of a phase transition and the rate at which the
transition occurs. A transition that is predicted from thermodynamics to be
spontaneous may occur too slowly to be significant in practice. For instance, at
normal temperatures and pressures the
Gibbs energy of graphite is lower than that of diamond, so there is a
thermodynamic tendency for diamond to change into graphite. However, for this
transformation to take place, the C[arbon] atoms must change their locations,
which is an immeasurably slow process in a solid except at high temperatures."
[Atkins and de Paula (2006), p.118. Bold emphases added.]
In that case, nature (i.e., the real material world,
not the Ideal world that Hegel and Engels dreamt up) is far more complex than
this Mickey Mouse 'Law' would have
us believe.
Once more, not every change is "nodal".
Even so, it is entirely unclear whether the term "quality" -- as it is
used by dialecticians -- means the same as "state
of matter" or even "phase".
Either way, the substance involved, whether it is in a different phase or state,
remains the same substance. So, in that sense, if "quality" is defined in terms of
the nature of substances (as was the case with Hegel and
-- on that, see
below), it is clear that even
though there are phase/state of matter changes, they can't count as qualitative changes
of the right sort,
since these substances remain the same throughout. Hence, howsoever
slowly or quickly iron melts or solidifies, for example, it remains iron....
Returning to the boiling water example: naturally, "nodal"-points could be re-defined
thermodynamically, in terms of latent heat (enthalpy
of vaporisation/condensation), etc. What happens at the
point is that the vapour pressure of the liquid equals that of the
surrounding medium. In fact, it is possible to induce boiling (in many liquids,
and not just water) by lowering the surrounding pressure sufficiently. This can
also take place without any obvious addition/subtraction of matter or energy
to/from the liquid concerned.
[Raising or lowering the
pressure in the surrounding medium isn't to add or subtract anything to/from the
liquid concerned, it would seem. But, as with many other things connected with
this hopelessly vague 'Law', who can say? As noted above, we have yet to be told
what 'adding'/'subtracting' energy means in DM.]
about latent heat?", someone might object.
"Latent heat
is the heat released or absorbed by a chemical substance or a
thermodynamic system
during a process that occurs without a change in temperature." [Quoted from
accessed 04/11/11.]
Of course, the
idea that the temperature of water stays the same as it boils is an
abstraction/idealisation -- unless every single molecule of water is being heated alike, and at
the same time,
the convection currents induced in the liquid will mean that there are micro-changes in temperature
throughout that liquid. We will thus have a "mixed-phase" system here. [On that,
see below.]
As suggested above,
this latest objection seems to depend on the idea that latent heat is only involved at
the boiling point (or, at the phase change). If so, this will have nothing to do
with the events in the lead up to that point (the alleged "gradualness" that is
finally broken, resulting in a "leap"), as this 'Law' requires.
So, once again, we see this shaky 'Law' doesn't easily
accommodate even to this hackneyed example of boiling water, even if we throw in latent heat....
However, if such phase/state-of-matter changes were to be defined
thermodynamically, then many would indeed appear to abrupt. And yet,
even this
isn't as clear-cut as it might at first sight seem:
"The first-order phase transitions are those that involve
latent heat. During such a transition, a system either
absorbs or releases a fixed (and typically large) amount of energy. Because
energy can't be instantaneously transferred between the system and its
environment, first-order transitions are associated with 'mixed-phase regimes'
in which some parts of the system have completed the transition and others have
not. This phenomenon is familiar to anyone who has boiled a pot of water: the
water does not instantly turn into gas, but forms a turbulent mixture of water
and water vapour bubbles. Mixed-phase systems are difficult to study,
because their dynamics are violent and hard to control. However, many important
phase transitions fall in this category, including the solid/liquid/gas
transitions and
Bose-Einstein condensation.
"The second class of phase transitions are the 'continuous
phase transitions', also called
second-order phase transitions.
These have no associated latent heat. Examples of second-order phase transitions
are the ferromagnetic transition and the
superfluid transition.
"Several transitions are known as the infinite-order phase
transitions. They are continuous but break no symmetries.... The most famous
example is the
transition in the two-dimensional
XY model.
quantum phase transitions
in two-dimensional
electron gases belong to
this class." [Wikipedia. Bold emphases added.]
Once again, the above article has been changed somewhat since I
first consulted it:
"First-order phase transitions are those that involve a
latent heat. During such a transition, a system either
absorbs or releases a fixed (and typically large) amount of energy. During
this process, the temperature of the system will stay constant as heat is added:
the system is in a 'mixed-phase regime' in which some parts of the system have
completed the transition and others have not. Familiar examples are the melting
of ice or the boiling of water (the water does not instantly turn into
vapour, but forms a
turbulent mixture of liquid water and vapour
bubbles). Imry and Wortis showed that quenched disorder can broaden a
first-order transition in that the transformation is completed over a finite
range of temperatures, but phenomena like supercooling and superheating survive
and hysteresis
is observed on thermal cycling. [Footnote links omitted -- RL.]
"Second-order phase transitions are also called
continuous phase transitions. They are characterized by a divergent
susceptibility, an infinite correlation length, and a power-law decay of
correlations near criticality. Examples of second-order phase transitions are
the ferromagnetic transition, superconducting transition (for a
Type-I superconductor the phase transition is
second-order at zero external field and for a
Type-II superconductor the phase transition is
second-order for both normal state-mixed state and mixed state-superconducting
state transitions) and the
superfluid transition. In contrast to viscosity,
thermal expansion and heat capacity of amorphous materials show a relatively
sudden change at the glass transition temperature which enable quite exactly to
detect it using
differential scanning calorimetry measurements....
"Several transitions are known as the infinite-order
phase transitions. They are continuous but break no
The most famous example is the
Kosterlitz–Thouless transition in the two-dimensional
XY model. Many
quantum phase transitions, e.g., in two-dimensional
electron gases, belong to this class." [Quoted from
accessed 20/02/2015. Bold emphasis and one link added. Italic emphases in
the original. Spelling adapted to UK English; quotation marks altered to conform
to the conventions adopted at this site.]
Another source has this to say:
transitions are characterized by a discontinuous change in entropy at a fixed
temperature. The change in entropy corresponds to
latent heat L =
Examples are solid-liquid and liquid-gas transitions at temperatures below the
critical temperature.
phase transitions
involve a continuous change in entropy, which means there is no latent heat.
Examples are liquid-gas transitions at temperatures above the critical
temperature, metal-superconductor transitions and many magnetic ordering
transitions." [Quoted from
here; accessed 20/02/2015. Bold emphasis added.]
Another added:
"Since the entropy is continuous at the phase
transition, the latent heat is zero. The latent heat is always zero for a
second order phase transition." [Quoted from
here; accessed 20/02/2015. Bold emphasis added.]
Another concurs:
"'Discontinuities' at continuous phase
changes (2
order or higher): For continuous transitions, the entropy is continuous crossing
the phase boundary and so there is no latent heat." [Quoted from
here; accessed 20/02/2015. Bold emphasis added.]
[Which agree with the earlier Wikipedia article before
it was changed.]
This is, of course, just another way of
making the same point that was made earlier: not all changes
are unambiguously 'nodal'.
With glass, this is even clearer (no pun
"It is sometimes
said that glass in very old churches is thicker at the bottom than at the top
because glass is a liquid, and so over several centuries it has flowed towards
the bottom. This is not true. In Mediaeval times panes of glass were often
made by the Crown glass process. A lump of molten glass was rolled, blown,
expanded, flattened and finally spun into a disc before being cut into panes.
The sheets were thicker towards the edge of the disc and were usually installed
with the heavier side at the bottom. Other techniques of forming glass panes
have been used but it is only the relatively recent float glass processes which
have produced good quality flat sheets of glass.
"To answer the
question 'Is glass liquid or solid?" we have to understand its thermodynamic and
material properties.'...
people claim that glass is actually a supercooled liquid because there is no
first order phase transition as it cools. In fact, there is a
second order transition between the supercooled liquid state and the
glass state, so a distinction can still be drawn. The transition is not as
dramatic as the phase change that takes you from liquid to crystalline solids.
There is no discontinuous change of density and no latent heat of fusion. The
transition can be detected as a marked change in the thermal expansivity and
heat capacity of the material....
[The author of
this article now goes into considerable detail, which I won't quote -- RL]
"There is no
clear answer to the question 'Is glass solid or liquid?'. In terms of molecular
dynamics and thermodynamics it is possible to justify various different views
that it is a highly viscous liquid, an amorphous solid, or simply that glass is
another state of matter which is neither liquid nor solid. The difference is
semantic. In terms of its material properties we can do little better.
There is no clear definition of the distinction between solids and highly
viscous liquids. All such phases or states of matter are idealisations of real
material properties. Nevertheless, from a more common sense point of view,
glass should be considered a solid since it is rigid according to everyday
experience. The use of the term 'supercooled liquid' to describe glass
still persists, but is considered by many to be an unfortunate misnomer that
should be avoided. In any case, claims that glass panes in old windows have
deformed due to glass flow have never been substantiated. Examples of Roman
glassware and calculations based on measurements of glass visco-properties
indicate that these claims can't be true. The observed features are more
easily explained as a result of the imperfect methods used to make glass window
panes before the float glass process was invented...." [Quoted from
here. Bold emphases alone added. Accessed 10/11/2008. Quotation marks altered
to conform to the conventions adopted at this site. Some links also added.]
See also the following
New York Times article:
"'It surprises most people that we still don't
understand this,' said David R. Reichman, a professor of chemistry at Columbia,
who takes yet another approach to the glass problem. 'We don't understand why
glass should be a solid and how it forms.'...
"Scientists are slowly accumulating more clues. A
few years ago, experiments and computer simulations revealed something
unexpected: as molten glass cools, the molecules do not slow down uniformly.
Some areas jam rigid first while in other regions the molecules continue to
skitter around in a liquid-like fashion. More strangely, the fast-moving regions
look no different from the slow-moving ones....
"For scientists, glass is not just the glass of
windows and jars, made of silica, sodium carbonate and calcium oxide. Rather, a
glass is any solid in which the molecules are jumbled randomly. Many plastics
like polycarbonate are glasses, as are many ceramics....
"In freezing to a conventional solid, a liquid
undergoes a so-called phase transition; the molecules line up next to and on top
of one another in a simple, neat crystal pattern. When a liquid solidifies into
a glass, this organized stacking is nowhere to be found. Instead, the molecules
just move slower and slower and slower, until they are effectively not moving at
all, trapped in a strange state between liquid and solid.
"The glass transition differs from a usual phase
transition in several other key ways. Energy, what is called
latent heat,
is released when water molecules line up into ice. There is no latent heat in
the formation of glass.
"The glass transition does not occur at a single,
well-defined temperature; the slower the cooling, the lower the transition
temperature. Even the definition of glass is arbitrary -- basically a rate of
flow so slow that it is too boring and time-consuming to watch. The final
structure of the glass also depends on how slowly it has been cooled." [New
York Times, 29/07/2008. Accessed 10/11/08. Bold emphases added. Quotation
marks altered to conform to the conventions adopted at this site.]
And finally, here is what we find in a recent article from Science
"Scientists fully understand the
process of water turning to ice. As the temperature cools, the
movement of the water molecules slows. At 32oF, the molecules
form crystal lattices, solidifying into ice. In contrast, the
molecules of glasses do not crystallize. The movement of the
glass molecules slows as temperature cools, but they never lock
into crystal patterns. Instead, they jumble up and gradually
become glassier, or more viscous. No one understands exactly
why." [Science
Daily, 13/08/2007. Bold emphasis added.]
So, and once again, not all state of matter/phase changes are
Indeed, the same points can be made with respect to other
"Amorphous materials are ubiquitous in
natural and engineered systems.
fault gouge
in earthquakes faults, thin film lubricants, and bulk metallic glasses are
seemingly disparate systems which are similar in that they possess an amorphous
structure. Colloids, emulsions, window glass, dense polymers, and even
biological tissues are other examples.
"Other examples of amorphous materials
include colloids and emulsions, foams, glass-forming molecular liquids, traffic
jams...." [Quoted from
here. Accessed 05/11/2011.
See also
Point: A crystalline solid has a sharp melting point, i.e., it changes
into liquid state at a definite temperature. On the contrary an amorphous
solid does not have a sharp melting point. For example, when glass is
heated, it softens and then starts flowing without undergoing any abrupt or
sharp change from solid to liquid state...." [Quoted from
here; accessed 20/02/2015. Bold emphasis added.]
But, what of this claim of
With alloys this process doesn't begin until it reaches its melting point
though. There's different kinds of softening but none of them are melting.
Of course, this depends on how "melting" is defined;
if it is defined as the transition from solid to liquid, then it is plain that
the substances mentioned above (metals, plastics, glass, tar, resin, rocks,
etc., etc.) melt slowly. I have even posted several videos at my site that
illustrate this
gradual process (they can be accessed
here). On the
other hand, if this word is defined thermodynamically in terms of a substance's
precise melting point (which approach, it seems, MLT might prefer), then, as
we have just seen, things aren't as clear cut as we have been led to believe.
Even at its melting point, not all of an ingot of iron, for example, will melt
all at once. The same is true of water boiling; in such cases we would have what
is called a "mixed-phase regime". And, as we have also seen, glasses and
other amorphous solids have no melting point; they transition smoothly
between states.
'Dialectical Qualities'?
After quoting me,
MLT now argues as follows:
"Moreover, as a liquid or as a solid, iron, for example, is still iron. So, even
when it is heated, and it turns into a liquid, no new quality has emerged; as a
solid or as a liquid iron is still iron. As a liquid, or a solid, water is still
H2O; nothing 'new' has emerged."
I think you're grasping at straws here.
1) Solids have very different qualities than liquids and gasses.
2) I assume you're expecting something like alchemy where lead turns into a
completely different metal? Really even though that is not the case the atoms or
other particles are arranged in different orders. There's even different forms
within ice itself where particles are arranged in rings or oxygen atoms are
arranged in a diamond shape.
Not so; the problem is, as I have pointed out above,
dialecticians in general fail to tell us what counts as a "quality", which means
the vast majority of them apply this law subjectively. Here is what I have argued
in Essay Seven Part One:
Qualities, as characterised by dialecticians -- or, rather, by those that bother to say
what they mean by this word -- are those properties of bodies/processes
that make them what they are, alteration to which will change that body/process into
something else:
"Each of the three spheres of the logical idea proves to be a systematic whole
of thought-terms, and a phase of the Absolute. This is the case with Being,
containing the three grades of
quality, quantity and
"Quality is, in the first place, the character identical with being: so
identical that a thing ceases to be what it is, if it loses its quality.
Quantity, on the contrary, is the character external to being, and does not
affect the being at all. Thus, e.g. a house remains what it is, whether it be
greater or smaller; and red remains red, whether it be brighter or darker."
[Hegel (1975),
p.124, §85.]
As the Glossary at the Marxist Internet Archive notes:
"Quality is an aspect of something by which it is what it is and not something
else and reflects that which is stable amidst variation. Quantity is an aspect
of something which may change (become more or less) without the thing thereby
becoming something else.
"Thus, if
something changes to an extent that it is no longer the same kind of thing, this
is a 'qualitative change', whereas a change in something by which it still the
same thing, though more or less, bigger or smaller, is a 'quantitative
"In Hegel's
Quality is the first
division of
Being, when the world is
just one thing after another, so to speak, while
Quantity is the second
division, where perception has progressed to the point of recognising what is
stable within the ups and downs of things. The third and final stage,
Measure, the unity of
quality and quantity, denotes the knowledge of just when quantitative change
becomes qualitative change." [Quoted from
Accessed August 2007. This definition has been altered slightly since.]
This is an Aristotelian notion.
Cornforth also tries gamely to tell us what a 'dialectical quality'
"For instance, if a piece of
iron is painted black and instead we paint it red, that is merely an external
alteration..., but it is not a qualitative change in the sense we are here
defining. On the other hand, if the iron is heated to melting point, then this
is such a qualitative change. And it comes about precisely as a change in the
attraction-repulsion relationship characteristic of the internal molecular state
of the metal. The metal passes from the solid to liquid state, its internal
character and laws of motion become different in certain ways, it undergoes a
qualitative change." [Cornforth (1976), p.99.]
And yet, as we have seen, no new substance emerges as a result;
liquid iron, gold and aluminium is still gold, iron and aluminium.
Of course, it could be argued that liquid and solid states of matter are, as
Cornforth seems to think, different kinds of things,
as required by the definition. But, to describe something as a liquid isn't to
present a kind of thing, since liquids comprise many different kinds of
things. The same is true of gases and solids. So, a state of matter isn't a
"kind of thing" but a quality possessed by kinds of things
-- so we speak of liquid iron, liquid mercury, gaseous oxygen, gaseous
nitrogen; and if that quality
changes, the "kind of thing" that a particular substance is does not (in
general) change. To be sure, some substances change when heat is added -- for example,
Ammonium Chloride (solid)
sublimates into Ammonia gas and Hydrochloric Acid (when heated), but this
isn't typical. [In fact, DM-theorists would be on firmer ground here (no pun
intended) than they
are with their clichéd water as a liquid, solid or gas example.] Again, liquid mercury
is still mercury just as solid mercury is. Melted sugar is still sugar. So is
plastic, and so are all the metals. The elements aren't situated where they are in
the Periodic Table because they are solid, liquid or gas, but because of their
Number. This shows that states of matter aren't "kinds of things"; if
they were, solid mercury would no longer be mercury.
But, the volunteered DM-objection...that different states of
matter are different "kinds of things"...only goes to show how vague the 'definition'
of "quality" is. Indeed, it
allows DM-supporters to count different states of matter -- but not shape, colour,
heat or motion -- as different "kind of things"; so that, for example, an
object in motion isn't counted as a different "kind of thing" from the same
object at rest; or that spherical or cylindrical ingots of iron aren't different
"kinds of thing". Sure, gases, liquids and solids have different physical
properties, but so do moving and stationary bodies, and so do spherical and
cylindrical objects. And so do different colours; as do coloured objects. It isn't easy to see why green
and red objects aren't different "kinds of things" if liquids and solids are
allowed to be. And, it is no use pointing to the "objective" nature of states of matter as
opposed to the "subjective" nature of colour, since shape and motion are just as
[The "subjective" nature of colour will be questioned, anyway, in
Essay Thirteen Part One --
as will the philosophical use of the terms
"subjective" and "objective".]
Other than Cornforth,
Kuusinen is one of the few DM-theorists who
seems to make any note of this
"The totality of essential features that make a
particular thing or phenomenon what it is and distinguishes it from others, is
called its quality.... It is...[a] concept that denotes the inseparable
distinguishing features, the inner structure, constituting the definiteness of a
phenomenon and without which it cease to be what it is." [Kuusinen (1961),
pp.83-84. Italic emphasis in the original.]
This assumes there is such a thing as an "essential nature"
(which I will show in a later Essay there is good reason to doubt), but even if
there were, is it essential to iron that it is a solid? Or that oxygen is a gas?
How can it be if we still count liquid oxygen as oxygen, and liquid iron as
Moreover, as has also been noted, H2O
as ice, water or steam, is still H2O.
As a liquid or a gas,
Helium is
still Helium. If so, these changes can't apply to any of the qualities covered
by the DM/Aristotelian/Hegelian principles quoted above. So, it now seems that
hackneyed examples dialecticians give that supposedly illustrate Q/Q
either undermine the meaning of a key
DM-concept on which this 'Law' was supposedly based (i.e., "quality"),
vitiating its applicability in such instances --
or they weren't examples of
this 'Law', to begin with!
Once again, that would make this part of DM,
at best, eminently subjective, since it would
imply that changes in quality are relative to a choice of descriptive framework.
Plainly, this introduces a fundamental element of arbitrariness into what
dialecticians claim is a
scientific law.
But what of this?
1) Solids have very different qualities than liquids and gasses.
2) I assume you're expecting something like alchemy where lead turns into a
completely different metal? Really even though that is not the case the atoms or
other particles are arranged in different orders. There's even different forms
within ice itself where particles are arranged in rings or oxygen atoms are
arranged in a diamond shape.
Sure, substances in a solid state have different
"qualities" to the same substance as a gas or as a liquid, but are properties of
solids (to which MLT referred) the sort of "qualities" the DM-classicists were
referring to? Apparently not, since solids, liquids and gases aren't "new kinds
of things", but properties belonging to certain kinds of things. It is
mercury that is a liquid (at room temperature). Liquidity doesn't
possess the property of being mercury; it's the other way round.
And no, I wasn't referring to anything from Alchemy.
[I'm not too sure of the point (or relevance) of the other things MLT said,
Energy Matter?
After I quoted several passages where Engels says
precisely what I alleged of him, MLT replies:
I am familiar with those Engels quotes but I don't see what they prove or why
you think they support your argument... I pointed out that Engels didn't speak
about Energy itself changing it's quality but about physical bodies changing.
Except, of course, Engels nowhere uses the phrase
"physical object"; he does however, speak about "physical energies" (which
puts his ideas more closely in line with what I alleged of him):
"Meanwhile physics had made mighty
advances, the results of which were summed up almost simultaneously by three
different persons in the year 1842, an epoch-making year for this branch of
natural investigation. Mayer in Heilbronn and Joule in Manchester demonstrated
the transformation of heat into mechanical energy and of mechanical energy into
heat. The determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat put this result
beyond question. Simultaneously, by simply working up the separate physical
results already arrived at, Grove - not a natural scientist by profession, but
an English lawyer -- proved that all so-called physical energy, mechanical
energy, heat, light, electricity magnetism, indeed even so-called chemical
energy, become transformed into one another under definite conditions without
any loss of energy occurring, and so proved post factum along physical
lines Descartes' principle that the quantity of motion present in the world is
constant. With that the special physical energies, the as it were
immutable 'species' of physics, were resolved into variously differentiated
forms of the motion of matter, convertible into one another according to
definite laws. The fortuitousness of the existence of a number of physical
energies was abolished from science by the proof of their interconnections
and transitions. Physics, like astronomy before it, had arrived at a result that
necessarily pointed to the eternal cycle of matter in motion as the ultimate
reality." [Engels
(1954), pp.28-29. Bold emphases added.]
The reader will no doubt notice that Engels here
speaks about different forms of energy transforming themselves into one another,
just as he calls energy "physical".
He does speak about "physical particles" (in Engels
p.74 -- although, in the Peking edition this is translated as "atom of
matter"), but this isn't linked to the Q/Q law, but to motion being the "mode of
existence of matter". In that case, Engels connects the "mode of existence of
matter" with motion, which he elsewhere calls "energy", just as I have alleged:
"Motion is the mode of existence of
matter. Never anywhere has there been matter without motion, nor can there
be. Motion in cosmic space, mechanical motion of smaller masses on the various
celestial bodies, the vibration of molecules as heat or as electrical or
magnetic currents, chemical disintegration and combination, organic life -- at
each given moment each individual atom of matter in the world is in one or other
of these forms of motion, or in several forms at once. All rest, all
equilibrium, is only relative, only has meaning in relation to one or other
definite form of motion. On the earth, for example, a body may be in mechanical
equilibrium, may be mechanically at rest; but this in no way prevents it from
participating in the motion of the earth and in that of the whole solar system,
just as little as it prevents its most minute physical particles from
carrying out the vibrations determined by its temperature, or its atoms from
passing through a chemical process. Matter without motion is just as
inconceivable as motion without matter. Motion is therefore as uncreatable and
indestructible as matter itself; as the older philosophy (Descartes) expressed
it, the quantity of motion existing in the world is always the same. Motion
therefore cannot be created; it can only be transferred. When motion is
transferred from one body to another, it may be regarded, in so far as it
transfers itself, is active, as the- cause of motion, in so far as the latter is
transferred, is passive. We call this active motion force, and the
passive, the manifestation of force. Hence it is as clear as daylight
that a force is as great as its manifestation, because in fact the same
motion takes place in both." [Engels (1976), p.74. Italic emphases in the
original; bold added.]
Later, he refers to "physically active
particles" (which is also translated the same way in the Peking edition):
"The mechanical theory of heat,
according to which heat consists in a greater or lesser vibration, depending on
the temperature and state of aggregation, of the smallest physically active
particles (molecules) of a body -- a vibration which under certain
conditions can change into any other form of motion -- explains that the heat
that has disappeared has done work, has been transformed into work." [Ibid.,
p.79. Bold emphasis added.]
Again readers will note that Engels again talks
about "forms of motion" that can be transformed into one another.
Later still, he talks about "physical forms of motion" --
further linking his ideas about energy (motion) with what is "physical":
"As is well known, it is only chemical
action, and not gravitation or other mechanical or physical forms of motion,
that is explained by atoms. And if anyone should read as far as the chapter on
organic nature, with its vacuous, self-contradictory and, at the decisive point,
oracularly senseless meandering verbiage, and its absolutely futile final
conclusion, he will not be able to avoid forming the opinion, from the very
start, that Herr Dühring is here speaking of things of which he knows remarkably
little. This opinion becomes absolute certainty when the reader reaches his
suggestion that in the science of organic beings (biology) the term composition
should be used instead of development. The person who can put forward such a
suggestion shows that he has not the faintest suspicion of the formation of
organic bodies." [Ibid.,
pp.95-96. Bold emphasis added.]
In which case, as with Lenin, he saw no intrinsic
difference between energy and matter. Indeed, he explicitly links these notions:
"The law of the transformation of quantity
into quality and vice versa. For our purpose, we could express this by
saying that in nature, in a manner exactly fixed for each individual case,
qualitative changes can only occur by the quantitative addition or subtraction
of matter or motion (so-called energy).
"All qualitative differences in nature
rest on differences of chemical composition or on different quantities or
forms of motion (energy) or, as is almost always the case, on both. Hence it
is impossible to alter the quality of a body without addition or subtraction of
matter or motion, i.e. without quantitative alteration of the body concerned. In
this form, therefore, Hegel's mysterious principle appears not only quite
rational but even rather obvious." [Engels
(1954), p.63. Bold emphases added.]
This agrees with what he had been saying in
Anti-Dühring: "forms of motion" are called energy, which, as we have just
seen is a "mode of the existence of matter". This isn't a million miles away
from the things I alleged of him. [The problem is: Engels and other DM-theorists
are so vague and equivocal here, as elsewhere, that it is in fact impossible
to form a clear idea of what they are actually committed to!]
Now, MLT says he knows about these passages (and
the other ones I quoted), but he chooses to ignore them -- or, at least, to
ignore/dismiss what they have to say.
It seems odd to me that
MLT is happy to promote
himself over Engels as an authority concerning Engels's own theory!
In my previous reply I referred to Lenin -- who
declared that everything that exists "objectively outside the mind" is
material, which implies that energy must be material (since it manifestly exists "outside
the mind") -- but I neglected to quote Lenin's more explicit passages to this
"If energy is motion, you have only
shifted the difficulty from the subject to the predicate, you have only changed
the question, does matter move? into the question is energy material? Does the
transformation of energy take place outside the mind, independently of man…or
are these only ideas?… Energeticist physics is a source of new idealist attempts
to conceive motion without matter." [Lenin (1972),
pp.324, 328.]
"[T]he sole
'property' of matter with
whose recognition philosophical materialism is bound up is the property of
being an objective reality, of existing outside our mind." [Ibid.,
"Thus…the concept of matter…epistemologically
implies nothing but objective reality existing independently of the human
mind and reflected by it." [Ibid.,
"[I]t is the sole categorical, this sole
unconditional recognition of nature's existence outside the mind and
perception of man that distinguishes dialectical materialism from relativist
agnosticism and idealism." [Ibid.,
"The fundamental characteristic of
materialism is that it starts from the objectivity of science, from the
recognition of objective reality reflected by science." [Ibid.,
[I have destructively criticised MEC --
Materialism and Empirio-criticism -- in Essay Thirteen
Part One.]
In fact, there are many places in MEC where Lenin
seems almost compelled to say the same thing over and over again:
materialism is committed to the 'objective' nature of reality, to objects and
process that exist independently of, or outside, the mind.
[Cf., Lenin
(1972), pp.1-2,
This is an incomplete list!]
But, MLT took exception to my appeal to Lenin
Then you say this:
"according to Lenin, energy exists 'objectively outside the mind', hence energy
is, for Lenin, matter...."
Again, I don't see how something Lenin says or believes implies what Engels
believes. I don't see the connection here and I don't get your point. We should
both be completely aware that Matter and Energy are equivalent. Energy is matter
in motion, literally energy has been turned into matter and vice versa. How does
that argue against anything Lenin, Engels or I said?
Of course, what Lenin did or did not say (unless he
was directly quoting Engels) is no guide in and of itself to what Engels
believed, but the question is: who do we believe, Lenin or Engels? Is
Engels the authority here, or Lenin? As I have noted several times, one of
the problems I have with DM is that it is so vague and confused that it is
impossible to determine its truth or falsehood, or, in many cases, what the
h*ll it is committed to! Here we have a classic example: Engels appears to
disagree with Lenin, and MLT appears to disagree with both!
However, it is possible to reconcile these two
theorists (Engels and Lenin) by allowing that both saw energy as a form of
matter. Indeed, we have seen that Engels all but says this himself.
Unfortunately, the problem is, as I pointed out,
this creates havoc for Q/Q:
Attentive readers will no doubt notice that Engels
argues that the same amount of energy can be transformed and appear in a
different form, with a whole new set of qualities. So, here we have qualitative
change with no addition of matter or energy! In all my years studying DM (over
thirty and counting...), I have yet to encounter a single author (DM-supporter
or critic) -- and I have waded through far more of this material than is good
for any human being to have to endure -- who has spotted this fatal admission in
this classical DM-text. [This has been taken from Essay Seven Part One.]
So: take your pick: either Engels's theory is
defective, or Lenin's is, or both are --, or: and far more likely, it is impossible to say what the
dickens they were all banging on about!
But what of this, though?
Your response is to present once again the Engels quote where he says its
impossible to alter the quantity or quality of a body without adding or removing
energy. What is your point? I don't even understand what you're arguing at this
He says physical bodies wont change their qualities without qualitative change
with the obvious exception of energy itself which is not even a physical
object. If you want to use your own essays as proof of something then please
quote them because the site is so hard to navigate I might not find the parts
you're referring to. Besides as is evident you obviously interpret these quotes
somehow to mean something else then what I interpret them to mean. For the sake
of clarity you should just quote the exact words so we both know what you mean.
The point is that Engels and other DM-theorists are
thoroughly confused (in the way I have been indicating in this reply). The other
things MLT says have been addressed above (and will be again below).
Examples Of
Changes in 'Quality' With No 'Addition' of Matter Or Energy
MLT now says (quoting me):
"I give dozens of examples of things that change (in 'quality') where no matter
or energy has been added...."
Give me one or two of your favourite examples then please just so I know exactly
what you mean.
Ok, here are several examples of
"qualitative" change (howsoever that word is understood!) where
no matter or energy has been 'added' (if we also ignore for now the lack of
clarity (among DM-theorists) as to what counts as "adding" either or both):
[Word of warning: Several comrades have argued that many
of the examples I have given are misguided since they fail to apply to
developing bodies, systems or processes, which is the sort of change
pertinent to Q/Q. I have
dealt with this counter-argument
here and
here. Among other things, I point out that
Engels himself appeals to many things that don't, or haven't, developed,
including isomers, to illustrate his 'Law' --
e.g., Engels (1954),
p.67. In which case, DM-supporters can hardly object if I use similar
examples to criticise
There are countless examples in nature and society where significant
qualitative change can result from no obvious quantitative difference. These
include the qualitative dissimilarities that exist between different chemical
for the same quantity of matter/energy involved.
For instance,
molecules...represent a particularly good example
of this phenomenon. This is especially true of those that have so-called "chiral" centres (i.e., centres of asymmetry).
In such cases, the spatial ordering of the constituent atoms, not
their quantity, affects the overall quality of the resulting molecule -- which,
as we can see, Engels said couldn't happen:
"[Q]ualitative changes can only
occur by the quantitative addition or subtraction of matter or motion (so-called
energy)…. Hence it is impossible to alter the quality of a body
without addition or subtraction of matter or motion, i.e. without quantitative
alteration of the body concerned." [Engels (1954),
Bold emphasis
alone added.]
Here, a different molecular orientation
-- a different geometry, not an increase in quantity -- alters quality.
Consider one example of many: (R)-Carvone (spearmint) and
(S)-Carvone (caraway); these molecules have the same number of atoms (of the same elements),
and the same bond energies, but they are nonetheless
qualitatively distinct because of the different spatial arrangement of the atoms
involved. The same is true of some of the
This non-dialectical aspect of matter is especially true of
the so-called "Enantiomers" (i.e., symmetrical molecules that are mirror images
of each other). These include compounds like
(R)-2-clorobutane and (S)-2-chlorobutane, and the so-called
L-, and D-molecules, which
rotate the plane of
polarised light the left (laevo) or the right (dextro) --
such as, L-, and D-Tartaric
Acid. What might at first
sight appear to be small energy-neutral
differences like these have profound biochemical implications; a protein
with D-amino acids, instead of L-, will not work in
most living cells since the overwhelming majority of organisms metabolise L-organic molecules. These compounds not only have the same number of
atoms in each molecule, there are no apparent energy differences between them. Even so, they have easily distinguishable physical qualities.
Recall, too, that these are no less
material differences than any Engels himself considered, so no genuine
materialist should be embarrassed by them.
It isn't as if I'm proposing
non-materialist causes here!
In response, it could be
argued that Engels
had already anticipated the above objection:
"It is surely hardly necessary to point out that
the various allotropic and aggregational states of bodies, because
they depend on various groupings of the molecules, depend on greater or lesser
quantities of motion communicated to the bodies.
"But what is the position in regard to change of
form of motion, or so-called energy? If we change heat into mechanical motion or
vice versa, is not the quality altered while the quantity remains the
same? Quite correct. But it is with change of form of motion...; anyone can be
virtuous by himself, for vices two are always necessary. Change of form of
motion is always a process that takes place between at least two bodies, of
which one loses a definite quantity of motion of one quality (e.g. heat),
while the other gains a corresponding quantity of motion of another quality
(mechanical motion, electricity, chemical decomposition). Here, therefore,
quantity and quality mutually correspond to each other. So far it has not been
found possible to convert motion from one form to another inside a single
isolated body." [Ibid.,
pp.63-64. Bold emphases added.]
However, Engels slides between
two different senses of "motion"
here: (1) Change of place, and (2) Energy 'added'/'subtracted'. In this way, he is able to argue that
any change in the relation between bodies always amounts to a change in energy.
But, this depends on the nature of the field in which these bodies are embedded
(on this, see below, where I draw the
reader's attention to a distinction between what mathematicians call
"conservative" and "non-conservative" fields), and
Note 4a of Essay Seven
Part One);
Engels's profound lack of mathematical knowledge
clearly let him down here.
Independently of this, Engels also confused the
of energy with energy added to a system. The difference between the two
is easy to see. Imagine someone pushing a heavy packing case along a level
floor. In order to overcome friction, the one doing the pushing will have to
expend energy. But that energy has not been put into the packing case (as
it were). Now, if the same case has been hoisted by a crane into a high building, Physicists tell us that
recoverable energy has been put into the case in the form of
Potential Energy.
Now, as far as can be ascertained in the examples of interest to
dialecticians (but again, they are not at all clear on this), it is the
latter form of energy (but not necessarily always Potential Energy) that is
relevant to this 'Law', not the former. The former sort doesn't really change the quality of
any bodies concerned; the latter does. [Although, of course, in the limit the
can. Enough friction can melt a body, or set it on fire, for instance. I will
consider this presently.] If so, then the above
counter-examples (e.g., involving Enantiomers) will still apply, for the energy expended in
order to change one isomer into another is generally of the first sort, not the
To be sure, some of the energy in the packing case example will
appear as heat (and/or perhaps sound), and will warm that case slightly. But
that energy will not be stored in the case as chemically
recoverable (i.e., structural, or new bond) energy.
Despite this, a few die-hard dialecticians could be found who might want to argue
that any expenditure of energy is relevant here. That would be an
unfortunate move since it would make this 'Law' trivial, for in that case it
would amount to the belief that any change at all (no matter how remote),
since it involves the expenditure of some form of energy somewhere (but
not necessarily energy put 'into' the bodies concerned), is the cause of qualitative change to
other bodies somewhere else. This would make a mockery of Engels's claim that only energy
added to the bodies concerned is relevant to this 'Law'.
"Change of form of motion is always a process
that takes place between at least two bodies, of which one loses a definite
quantity of motion of one quality (e.g. heat), while the other gains a
corresponding quantity of motion of another quality (mechanical motion,
electricity, chemical decomposition)." [Ibid.
Bold emphasis added.]
Several examples of this sort of change are given
in Essay Seven
Part One. The problems this creates are discussed at length in
Note 5 and
Note 6a of Essay Seven
Part One, where
attempts to delineate the
thermodynamic boundaries of the local energy budget involved (which
would have to be specified in order to prevent remote objects/energy expenditure
being allowed to cause proximate change) are all
shown to fail.
Of course, this just illustrates the point made earlier:
since we aren't clear what "adding"/"subtracting" energy is in DM
(or even what constitutes a single body here -- more on this below), it is
impossible to be sure. Having said that, DM-theorists themselves will
be unable to say whether or not the above are counter-examples to their theory
-- not unless they specify with far greater clarity and precision what they mean
by "adding"/"subtracting" energy (and, upon doing that they risk being accused
of "revisionism"!).
[However, I have covered this topic extensively in Essay
Seven Part One; readers can access this material by following the above links.]
Moreover, as noted above, Engels himself considered
isomers as an example of the 'Law', even though there is no "development" in
this case!
Finally, Engels seems to think it is always clear what
constitutes a single body:
"Here, therefore, quantity and quality mutually
correspond to each other. So far it has not been found possible to convert
motion from one form to another inside a single isolated body." [Ibid.]
However, nature isn't quite so accommodating. In fact, when we
look at the material world, and refuse to impose an a priori scheme like
this on it, we see that the picture isn't as straightforward as Engels would
have us believe. Indeed, as we will soon discover, it is easy
"to convert
motion from one form to another inside a single isolated body." [The reader is again directed to
Note 5 and
Note 6a of Essay Seven
Part One for more
details -- in addition to those given below.]
Resonance And Mesomers
Even more embarrassing for this 'Law' are tautomers; these
feature as an:
"isomerism in which the
isomers change into one another with great ease so that they ordinarily exist
together in equilibrium." [Quoted from
Wikipedia characterises them in the following way:
organic compounds that
are interconvertible by a
chemical reaction called
tautomerization. As most commonly encountered, this reaction results in
the formal migration of a hydrogen atom or
proton, accompanied by a
switch of a
single bond and adjacent
double bond. In solutions
where tautomerization is possible, a
chemical equilibrium of
the tautomers will be reached. The exact ratio of the tautomers depends on
several factors, including temperature,
solvent, and
The concept of tautomers that are interconvertible by tautomerizations is called
tautomerism. Tautomerism is a special case of
structural isomerism and
can play an important role in non-canonical
base pairing in
DNA and especially
RNA molecules.
"Tautomerizations are
catalyzed by:
deprotonation; b. formation of a
anion (e.g. an
enolate); c.
protonation at a
different position of the anion).
(a. protonation; b. formation of a delocalized
cation; c.
deprotonation at a different position adjacent to the cation).
"Common tautomeric pairs are:
enol, e.g. for
acetone (see:
keto-enol tautomerism).
-- imidic
acid, e.g. during
lactim, an amide -- imidic
acid tautomerism in
heterocyclic rings, e.g.
in the
thymine, and
"7. enamine -- enamine,
e.g. during
pyridoxalphosphate catalyzed
enzymatic reactions.
"Prototropic tautomerism refers to the relocation
of a proton, as in the above examples, and may be considered a subset of
acid-base behaviour. Prototropic tautomers are sets of isomeric protonation states with the
empirical formula and
"Annular tautomerism is a type of prototropic
tautomerism where a proton can occupy two or more positions of a heterocyclic
system. For example, 1H- and 3H-imidazole;
1H-, 2H- and 4H-
1,2,4-triazole; 1H- and 2H-
"Ring-chain tautomerism occurs when the movement of
the proton is accompanied by a change from an open structure to a ring, such as
aldehyde and
pyran forms of
"Valence tautomerism is distinct from prototropic
tautomerism, and involves processes with rapid reorganisation of bonding
electrons. An example of this type of tautomerism can be found in
bullvalene. Another
example is open and closed forms of certain
heterocycles, such as
azide --
tetrazole. Valence
tautomerism requires a change in molecular geometry and should not be confused
with canonical
resonance structures
mesomers." [Quoted from
accessed 05/10/08. Paragraph numbering altered; spelling changed to conform to
UK English. Several links added.]
[Any who object to the above examples will need to be far
clearer than DM-theorists have hitherto been about (a) what counts as a single
body/system, and (b) what "adding"/"subtracting" energy amounts to. As we saw in
Part One of this reply,
it is far from easy, given the 'logical' principles DM-theorists inherited from
Hegel, to say what a body/system actually is!]
One standard Organic Chemistry text defines tautomers as follows:
"Tautomers are isomers differing only in the position of
hydrogen atoms and electrons. Otherwise the carbon skeleton is the same."
[Clayden et al (2001), p.205.]
On enol tautomerism, it adds:
"In the case of
dimedone, the enol must
be formed by a transfer of a proton from the central CH2
group of the
keto form to one of the
OH groups.
"Notice that there is no change in pH -- a proton is lost
from carbon and gained on oxygen. The reaction is known as enolization as it is
the conversion of a
carbonyl compound into an
enol. It is a strange reaction in which little happens. The product is almost
always the same as the starting material since the only change is the transfer
of one proton and the shift of the double bond." [Ibid., pp.524-25.]
Even though many of these reactions require
(which add no energy or matter to the original compounds), these are
qualitatively different substances, refuting the First 'Law'. This is a
particularly intractable series of counter-examples because it involves the
"development" of one substance into another. And, many of these
changes occur to the same molecule -- or "body", again refuting Engels.
Of course, it could be argued that the above Wikipedia source acknowledges
the fact
that there is a change in matter or energy between the resonating isomers -- for
example, here:
are organic compounds that
are interconvertible by a chemical reaction called tautomerization. As most commonly encountered, this reaction results in
the formal migration of a hydrogen atom or proton, accompanied by a
switch of a single bond and adjacent double bond. [Wikipedia. Link
above. Bold
But, no energy or matter is added to the molecule, it is merely
re-distributed within that molecule, as Clayden et al points out.
(mesomerism) is more controversial still,
but no less fatal to this 'Law':
"Though resonance is often introduced in such a
diagrammatic form in elementary chemistry, it actually has a deeper significance
in the mathematical formalism of
valence bond theory (VB).
When a molecule can't be represented by the standard tools of valence bond
theory (promotion,
sigma and
pi bond formation) because no single
structure predicted by VB can account for all the properties of the molecule,
one invokes the concept of resonance.
"Valence bond theory gives us a model for
benzene where
each carbon atom makes two sigma bonds with its neighbouring carbon atoms and
one with a hydrogen atom. But since carbon is
tetravalent, it has the ability to
form one more bond. In VB it can form this extra bond with either of the
neighbouring carbon atoms, giving rise to the familiar
Kekulé ring structure.
But this can't account for all carbon-carbon bond lengths being equal in
benzene. A solution is to write the actual
wavefunction of the molecule as a linear
superposition of the two possible Kekulé structures (or rather the wavefunctions
representing these structures), creating a wavefunction that is neither of its
components but rather a superposition of them, just as in the
vector analogy
above (which is formally equivalent to this situation).
"In benzene both Kekulé structures have equal weight, but
this need not be the case. In general, the superposition is written with
undetermined constant coefficients, which are then variationally optimized to
find the lowest possible energy for the given set of basis wavefunctions. This
is taken to be the best approximation that can be made to the real structure,
though a better one may be made with addition of more structures.
molecular orbital [MO --
RL] theory,
the main alternative to VB, resonance often (but not always) translates to a
delocalization of electrons
pi orbitals (which are a separate concept from pi bonds in VB). For example,
in benzene, the MO model gives us 6 pi electrons completely delocalised over all
6 carbon atoms, thus contributing something like half-bonds. This MO
interpretation has inspired the picture of the benzene ring as a hexagon with a
circle inside. Often when describing benzene the VB picture and the MO picture
are intermixed, talking both about localized sigma 'bonds' (strictly a concept
from VB) and 'delocalized' pi electrons (strictly a concept from MO)." [Quoted
from here;
accessed 05/10/08.]

Figure One: Examples Of Resonance
In view of the fact that these are distinct qualitative
variations on a common theme, created by no new energy or matter added to the
body in question, it seems
this luckless First 'Law' has been refuted yet again.
Counter-Examples Just Keep Stacking-Up
Moving into Physics,
consider the Triple Point:
thermodynamics, the
point of
a substance is the
temperature and pressure
at which three
phases (for example,
liquid, and solid) of that substance coexist in
thermodynamic equilibrium.
For example, the triple point of
occurs at a temperature of −38.8344°C and a pressure of 0.2
mPa." [Quoted from
Once again, we have here changes in quality (at a constant
temperature) with no addition of energy
or matter at that point.
Furthermore, if
two or more forces are aligned differently,
the qualitative results will invariably be altered even where the overall
magnitude of each force is held constant.
Consider just one
example: let forces
F1 and
be situated in parallel (but not along the same
line of action),
and diametrically opposed to one another. Here these two forces can/will exercise a
turning effect on a suitably placed body. Now, arrange the same two forces in like manner so that they are still
parallel, but act diametrically along the same line (i.e., these
two force vectors have opposite senses). In this case, as seems clear, these
forces will have no turning effect on the same body. Here we have a change in quality with no
change in quantity, once more. Since there are many ways to align forces (as there are with
other vector
quantities, like velocities and accelerations, etc.), there are countless
counter-examples to the rather pathetic First 'Law' here alone.
Some might argue that moving a force in the
manner envisaged requires energy, so these examples aren't in fact
energy neutral. However, just like the example of the
organic molecules quoted by
Engels, or, indeed, elements in the Periodic Table, the arrangements listed
above could exist side by side. A qualitative difference
then would be obvious, but there would be no quantitative discrepancy between
In addition, as noted earlier, the expenditure of energy itself depends on the
nature of the force field in which they are embedded (i.e., whether or not the field
in question is "conservative").
conservative forces, see
In a conservative field, the work done in moving a force in a
circuit is zero, but certain (non-circuitous)
line integrals in such fields can
also be zero, if these are chosen carefully.
So, a force could 'develop' in this way in an energy neutral
In either case, we would have a qualitative
difference for no extra quantitative input of matter/energy. Naturally, once again, this 'Law'
could be tightened to exclude these and other awkward counter-examples, but then
it would cease to be a law and would simply become a narrow, subjectively
applied convention/stipulation
(and one that will have been imposed on
Again, it could be objected that moving a force in a circuit,
even in a conservative field, would merely take it back to where it began, which
isn't what was required by the examples given above.
There, forces were moved to somewhere different. But, that is to misunderstand
the notion of a circuit. The point is that in a conservative field, movement of
a body from A to B (where A and B could be widely separated, and
non-coincidental) is independent of the path taken.
This is, of course, quite apart from the points made earlier
about energy added to
a system as opposed to energy expended in changing that system, an
important detail DM-theorists pass over in silence.
Perhaps more significantly, this 'Law' takes
no account of qualitative changes that result from (energetically-neutral)
ordering relations in nature and society. Here, identical physical
structures and processes can be ordered differently to create significant
qualitative changes. One example is the different ordering principles found in
music, where an alteration to a sequence of the same notes in a chord or
in a melody can have a major qualitative impact on harmony, with no quantitative
change anywhere apparent. So, the same seven notes (i.e., tones and semi-tones)
arranged in different
modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian,
Aolean and Locrian) sound totally different to the human ear. Of course, there
are other ways of altering the quality of music in an energetically neutral
environment over and above this (such as timing).
Another example
along the same lines concerns the ordering principles found in language, where
significant qualitative changes can result from the re-arrangement of the same parts of
speech. For instance, the same number of letters jumbled up can either
make sense or no sense, as the case may be -- as in, say, "dialectics" and "csdileati" (which is
"dialectics" scrambled up).
Perhaps more radically, the same words can
mean something qualitatively new if sequenced differently, as in, say: "The cat
is on the mat" and "The mat is on the cat". Or, even worse: "It
is impossible completely to understand Marx's Capital, and especially its first
chapter, without having thoroughly studied and understood the whole of Hegel's
Logic", compared
with "It
is impossible completely to understand Hegel's Logic, and especially its first
chapter, without having thoroughly studied and understood the whole of Marx's
Capital." Here there is considerable qualitative difference with no
quantitative change at all.
[What are the odds that Engels would have tried to alter his
'Law' to counter that awkward fact?]
There are many other examples of this phenomenon, but a few more
should suffice for the purposes of this Essay: a successful strike (one that
is, say, planned first then actioned second) could turn into its
opposite (if it is actioned first and planned second). Now even
though the total energy input here would be ordered differently in each case,
the overall energy budget of the system (howsoever that is characterised) need not be
any different. So,
addition of no extra matter or energy here can turn successful action into
disaster if the order of events is reversed. Of course, we can all imagine
situations where this particular example could involve different energy budgets, but this
is not necessarily the case, which is all I need.
There are literally thousands of everyday
examples of such qualitative changes (where there are no obvious associated quantitative
so many in fact that Engels's First 'Law' begins to look even more pathetic in
comparison. Who, for example, would put food on the table then a plate on top of
it? A change in the order here would constitute a qualitatively different (and
more normal) action: plate first, food second. Which of us would jump out of an
aeroplane first and put their parachute on second -- or cross a road first, look
second? And is there a sane person on the planet who goes to the toilet first
and gets out of bed second? Moreover,
only an idiot would pour 500 ml of water
slowly into 1000 ml of concentrated
Sulphuric Acid, whereas, someone who knew
what they were doing would quite readily do the reverse. But, all of these have
profound qualitative differences if performed in the wrong order (for the same
energy budget).
How could Engels have missed
examples like these? Is dialectical myopia so crippling that it prevents
dialecticians using their common sense?
Pushing these ideas further: context, too, can
affect quality in a quantitatively neutral environment. So, a dead body
in a living room has a different qualitative significance compared to that same
body in the morgue (for the same energy input). A million pounds in my bank account has a different
qualitative feel to it when compared to the same money in yours....
Furthermore, qualitative change can be induced by other
qualitative changes, contrary to Engels's claim:
"...[Q]ualitative changes can
only occur by the quantitative addition or subtraction of matter or
motion...." [Engels (1954), p.63. Emphasis added]
For example, in a 1:1
mixture of paint, one litre of brown can be made by mixing two half litres each of red and green,
but the same qualitative effect can be achieved by using less or more of both
(say, 2 litres of each), but in the same ratio. Here a change in the quantity of mixed paints has no
effect on the qualitative properties of the mixture (i.e., its colour), while
the qualities that are mixed have. In this
case, two qualities (two colours) will have changed into a new quality (a new
colour) when mixed. Not only do the same amounts (and proportions) of red and
green paint exist before and after mixing, for any fixed amount of each, the two former qualities
will have merged
into a single quality. So, here we have qualitative change produced by qualitative change.
Of course, it could be argued that the
mixture contains more paint than it did before (which means that there actually has been a
quantitative change), but this is not
so. In general, prior to mixing there were n litres of each colour (and 2n
litres of both) preserving the 1:1 ratio; after mixing the same amount of paint still exists,
namely n litres of each (and 2n litres of both, for any n), still preserving the
1:1 proportion. The qualitative
change in colour has nothing to do with the quantities involved, but everything
to do with the mixing of the two previous qualities in the same ratio.
To be sure, if the ratio
of the mixed paints were changed, a different qualitative outcome would emerge, but as noted above, even
this won't happen "nodally" (that is, when mixed, the overall
change in colour takes place slowly, and gradually, as the colours mix), and so it seems to be of little relevance
to the First 'Law'. Hence, if the ratio is kept the same, we would have here a
change in quality initiated by qualitative change only, and not by an increase in
This perhaps highlights another
serious ambiguity in Engels account of this 'Law':
"...[T]he transformation of
quantity into quality and vice versa. For our purpose, we could express
this by saying that in nature, in a manner exactly fixed for each individual
case, qualitative changes can only occur by the quantitative addition or
subtraction of matter or motion (so-called energy)…. Hence it is
impossible to alter the quality of a body without addition or
subtraction of matter or motion, i.e. without quantitative alteration of the
body concerned." [Engels
(1954), p.63.
Bold emphasis alone added.]
As noted above, Engels is entirely unclear what it is that
constitutes the "addition" of matter and/or energy to a "body", which is
probably what underlies the objection noted a few paragraphs back. The latter, it seems, takes it
as read that one litre of red is added to one litre of green, but if we
word this differently, even this would become false. Imagine the following
scenario: we have a 2 litre can holding one litre of red and one litre of green
separated in the middle by a collapsible barrier (which stays inside the
container). Let us assume that the barrier is collapsed so that the red and
green begin to mix (we could even have a battery operated mixing device internal
to this can, so that no energy is 'added' to the entire ensemble). In this scenario, the object/body in question was the entire
container along with its contents. At the end, we would still have the same
object (the paint tin with exactly the same quantity of paint, and the original
collapsed divider (and mixer)), only now exhibiting a new quality -- the colour brown.
Moreover, the collapsing of the barrier could also be induced by a battery-powered
device internal to the system.
This tends to refute Engels's claim (even though he expressed
this point tentatively):
"Here, therefore, quantity and quality mutually
correspond to each other. So far it has not been found possible to convert
motion from one form to another inside a single isolated body." [Engels
Or, it shows how vague his notion of a "single body"/system really
is. [As I have repeatedly alleged: this is Mickey Mouse Science, after all!]
And this example also applies to the
development of this body of matter; at the start we had 2n litres of paint,
and we finished with 2n litres. But, at the end we also have a new quality (a new
colour) created by no increase in matter. And, the same will be true if these
mixtures are increased indefinitely by the continuous addition of paint (in the
same ratio -- say, by pouring it into a huge vat at the same rate from two
pipes -- both of which are fed from two tanks, the entire ensemble located in
one room of a factory); here the "same object" will be this particular room, to
which no new energy or matter has been 'added'. Moreover, what applies to colour will apply to other qualities, too --
for example, heat (where the mixing of two 2n litres of hot and cold water
creates a warm mixture also of 2n litres).
In addition, mixing 2n litres of molten metal (with
severally different qualities) can lead to a qualitatively new
alloy, for
example, brass
or pewter.
This point clearly applies to any mixing of 2n units (or other amounts) of any
sort of matter. Indeed, something similar can be achieved with the mixing of an
assortment of chemicals
(as solids, liquids, or gases) that are capable of being mixed, as it can with light, sounds and
Now, it could be argued that the above examples are highly
contrived, and so cannot be considered 'natural' processes. And yet they aren't
supernatural -- they all take place in this universe -- but they still contradict Engels. Anyway, even if that
were a viable objection, there are countless processes in nature that display
similarly non-dialectical features.
To take one at random; consider the
Bombardier Beetle:
"Bombardier beetles store two
separate chemicals (hydroquinone
hydrogen peroxide) that are not mixed until
threatened. When this occurs the two chemicals are squirted through two tubes,
where they are mixed along with small amounts of catalytic enzymes. When these
chemicals mix they undergo a violent 'exothermic' chemical reaction. The
boiling, foul smelling liquid partially becomes a gas and is expelled with a
loud popping sound...." [Wikipedia.]
If the original 'object'/'body' is the said
beetle, then we have here a change in quality (this animal has turned into
noxious beetle), where once we had an ordinary insect, but for no change in matter
or overall energy in/to that animal. Sure matter is subsequently lost,
but before that takes place, the beetle has already changed (otherwise the
subsequent loss of matter wouldn't have happened!).
Even more annoying: the above change is part of that beetle's
'development', so this example isn't susceptible to the challenge that my
counter-examples aren't developmental.
Someone could object that light will have impinged on the
sensory surfaces of this beetle, so some matter/energy has been added. But, we
can put the said insect in a box and worry it with a battery-operated device (or
another insect/animal already in the same box). In
this case, no new matter or energy will have been added to the
'box-battery-beetle-animal' ensemble/'object', but it will change qualitatively,
nonetheless. [The reader will no doubt now be able to see what was meant when it
was asserted that the words "body" and "add"
aren't at all "straight-forward?"]
Consider another --, and one that is perhaps more familiar to
most dialecticians than the Bombardier Beetle --, the Widget in certain cans of beer
or lager:
"A can of beer is pressurised by adding
liquid nitrogen, which
vaporises and expands in volume after the can is sealed, forcing gas and beer
into the widget's hollow interior through a tiny hole -- the less beer the
better for subsequent head quality. In addition, some nitrogen dissolves in the
beer which also contains dissolved
carbon dioxide.
"The presence of dissolved nitrogen allows smaller bubbles
to be formed with consequent greater creaminess of the subsequent head. This is
because the smaller bubbles need a higher internal pressure to balance the
surface tension, which is
inversely proportional to
the radius of the bubbles. Achieving this higher pressure is not possible just
with dissolved carbon dioxide because of the greater solubility of this gas
compared to nitrogen would create an unacceptably large head.
"When the can is opened, the pressure in the can quickly
drops, causing the pressurised gas and beer inside the widget to jet out from
the hole. This agitation on the surrounding beer causes a chain reaction of
bubble formation throughout the beer. The result, when the can is then poured
out, is a surging mixture in the glass of very small gas bubbles and liquid.
"This is the case with certain types of draught beer such
as draught stouts. In the case of these draught beers, which before dispensing
also contain a mixture of dissolved nitrogen and carbon dioxide, the agitation
is caused by forcing the beer under pressure through small holes in a restrictor
in the tap. The surging mixture gradually settles to produce a very creamy
head." [Wikipedia.]
Change in quality, but no change in quantity.
It could be argued that there is in fact a difference in matter and/or energy
this can, namely the ring pull and gases near the opening. That is undeniable, but
is this significant? What causes the change in quality is the Widget, not the
ring pull. This can be seen by the fact that in cans where there is no Widget,
the above does not happen.
However, someone could still object that the above differences in matter/energy
are relevant to the subsequent change in quality; after all, they set in motion
those very changes.
[This is in fact a particular example of the general point we met
in Essay Seven Part One: if
DM-theorists want to interconnect this can with other processes in the vicinity, then
there is no way to prevent the 'absurd inflation' described in
Note 5 of the
aforementioned Essay.]
There are several problems with this response. First, we saw (in
Note 5) that there is no
question-begging way to define the thermodynamic/energy locale of such DM-changes.
Secondly, it is questionable that the removal of a ring pull, and the loss of
small quantities of vapour amounts to the addition/removal of matter or energy
from the beer/Widget ensemble itself. This, naturally, raises issues
also touched on in Note 5.
What exactly is the DM-"object"
here? Until we are told, this objection itself can't succeed. Even after
we are told, that can't help but beg the question (again, as noted above), for it will
be plain that any new demarcation lines will have been drawn in order to save
this 'Law', making it eminently subjective.
Finally, after the ring pull has been removed, and the small quantity of
vapour has escaped, the beer/Widget ensemble will undergo a qualitative change
for no new matter or energy input into that system, violating the First
'Law'. Anyone who objects to the 'line' being drawn just here (i.e.,
cordoning-off this system at the Widget/beer boundary just after the ring pull
has been removed) will need to advance objective criteria for it to be
re-drawn somewhere else.
Now, if that boundary is re-drawn to include the removed ring pull and
the escaped vapour, then, once more, no new energy or matter will have been
added to that system (i.e., the beer/Widget/ring-pull/vapour ensemble)
even while it will have undergone a qualitative change.
[This is, once more, just a particular example of the general point made in
Note 5. Incidentally, the same comments apply to similar objections
directed at the
Bombardier Beetle example given above.]
Anyway, the aforementioned ring-pull could be removed by a battery-operated
device inside the can, controlled by an internal timer, meaning that the
resulting change in quality will have been occasioned by no new energy added to the
can/beer/widget/battery-device system. And of course, there are plenty of such
systems already in use. For example, electronic alarm clocks run on internal
batteries; when they change in 'quality' from ticking to ringing, no new
matter/energy has been added to that clock/battery system. The same is true of most battery operated devices,
or any system with its own internal energy source (and that includes motor
vehicles, aeroplanes, ships, lap-top computers, etc,. etc.).
Several more counter-examples rapidly come to mind:
a child living in,
say, Paris can become an orphan (qualitative change) if both of its parents die
in South Africa (meaning that no quantitative change will have happened to that
The largest cut diamond on earth (in a safe, say, in New York) could change
into the second largest if another, bigger diamond is cut in, say, Amsterdam. This
example also applies to other remote changes. For instance, the biggest star in a
galaxy could become the second biggest if another star hundreds of millions of
light years away (but in the same galaxy) grows in size (perhaps over millions
of years) through accretion of matter. So, in both cases, there would be a
qualitative change to the first object with no relevant matter or energy added or
subtracted from/to that object. There are countless examples of remote change like this.
cheque drawn, say, in New York will become instantaneously worthless
(qualitative change) if the issuing bank in Tokyo goes bust (meaning that no
quantitative change will have happened to that cheque). The same can be
said about credit cards.
A Silver Medallist in,
say, the Olympics can become the Gold Medal winner in a certain event (qualitative
change) if the former Gold medallist is disqualified because of drug-taking
(meaning that no quantitative change will have occurred to that Silver
[Notice that many of the examples in the last few paragraphs
relate to developmental change.]
In the limit, there is the following: the "Big Bang"
(so we are told) led to the formation of a whole universe of
qualitative changes, with no overall increase in energy or matter (in the
universe). Now, here we have a massive change in quality (with Galaxies and
planets, and all the rest, emerging out of the original debris) with no overall
change in the quantity of energy in the universe.
On the other hand, if the 'Big Bang' example is
(as it is by some Marxists)
-- and an infinite universe is postulated in its place -- since there can be no increase in energy
in the entire universe, once more, any qualitative changes that take place in the whole of nature will
have occurred with no
increase in the universal quantity of energy.
As should seem plain, this constitutes the ultimate
counter-example to this rather pathetic 'law':
the development of everything
refutes Q/Q!
Matter in general is
reassuringly non-dialectical.
Any who object to these examples need only reflect on the fact
that they do not represent a challenge to materialism (since they are all manifestly
changes), they merely throw into serious doubt Engels's rather restrictive and
obscure 'Law'.
In short, only someone more intent on defending Engels
than they are understanding nature will find reason to cavil at this point.
DM Makes Change Impossible
Changes Into That With Which It 'Struggles'
A last couple of points raised by
MLT (again
quoting me):
"In that case, let us call the above unity, 'C'. Now, according to the
dialectical classics (and Mao too!), every object and process in the entire
universe can only change by (1) struggling with its opposite, and then (2) by
changing into that opposite. Hence, if C is to change it is must have an
opposite with which it can struggle. Let us call that opposite 'C(1)'. So, C
changes because it struggles with C(1), and it then changes into C(1). But, once
again, we see that this can't happen since C(1) already exists! If it didn't
already exist, there would be nothing with which C could struggle, and hence
Not only is that also a distortion of what I said but its also in contradiction
with what your own website says.
"DM-theorists are decidedly unclear whether objects and processes in nature and
society change because of (1) A 'contradictory' relationship or 'struggle'
between their 'internal opposites'...."
You yourself acknowledge that its a process with internal contradictions. The
unity is not the opposite of its part.
First you said that according to dialectics A which forms a unity with B
struggles with B and turns into B.
I pointed out its really their unity C which changes. Now you're saying its the
unity itself which struggles with another unity instead of it's internal
contradictions struggling with one another. If C was struggling with some other
unity of opposites (another pair of contradictions as Mao said) then it would
form a unity with it and that unity would then change.
Again, I apologise if I have misconstrued what
Anyway, he is quite correct in quoting me -- but he
did so only partially; here is the rest:
Surprising as this might seem, DM-theorists are
decidedly unclear whether objects and processes in nature and society change because of (1) A
'contradictory' relationship or 'struggle' between their 'internal opposites', or because (2) They change
into their 'opposites', or even because (3) Change itself creates
[Scores of quotations (no exaggeration!)
from the DM-classics and 'lesser' DM-works that support the above assertions have been posted
That is, according to (2) objects and processes
change into that with which they struggle.
Most DM-supporters with whom I have debated this,
miss this salient point, or fail to spot its fatal consequences -- even after
they have been pointed out to them!
So, what is
MLT's point? Apparently, this:
I pointed out its really their unity C which changes. Now you're saying its the
unity itself which struggles with another unity instead of it's internal
contradictions struggling with one another. If C was struggling with some other
unity of opposites (another pair of contradictions as Mao said) then it would
form a unity with it and that unity would then change.
How do the three points above (and in particular
(2)) affect this argument?
In order to see how, let us consider
the contradictory parts of this unity, C; let us call them P* and P**,
respectively; let us further assume they are 'dialectical opposites', and that
they struggle with one another.
So, according to the DM-classics, P* and P** not
only struggle with one another, they change into one another. But this
can't happen; P* can't change into P** since P** already exists! If it didn't
there would be nothing with which P* could struggle, and hence change. In which
case, C itself can't change! This "unity", will forever remain the same.
[Moreover, I stand by my original counter-argument
quoted above,
but I won't press the point since MLT thinks it misrepresents his argument.]
As I have noted elsewhere, when confronted with the
absurd consequences of this theory of change (i.e., that, if true, it would make
change impossible) DM-supporters react with incredulity. I have speculated
that this is because they have never really thought through the consequences of
the thoroughly confused theory they inherited from that Christian Mystic, Hegel,
and the DM-classicists. Indeed, some of them seem never to have read the relevant
passages from the classics, quoted in Essay Seven
Part Three.
There have been a few rather weak attempts to
respond to my demolition of core DM-theory of change (I have itemised them, and responded
to them all, here),
but the vast majority of objectors ignore one or more of (1)-(3) above, just as
we have seen was the case with MLT.
Alas for DM-supporters: my demolition of their core
theory of change is completely general, and can cope with every conceivable objection.
Any who doubt this are invited to read Essay
Seven Part Three.
DM Implies Workers
Must Change Into Capitalists
The last point from
C with it's opposite D forming a unity E which would turn into F. Workers
struggle with capitalists to change the society. In the new society these class
forces emerge in new forms but most of all it is the society (their unity) which
changes. Workers don't simply struggle with capitalists and then change
themselves without the unity changing, quite the opposite.
"You quote Mao to this effect:
'by means of revolution the proletariat, at one time the ruled, is transformed
into the ruler, while the bourgeoisie, the erstwhile ruler, is transformed into
the ruled.'"
I specifically posted that quote because its quotes like that which you seem to
have a hard time understanding.
These classes form a unity and struggle with each other. The contradiction is
resolved in a revolution which gives rise to a new society, new unity of
different opposites. This time with the workers as the ruling class.
The workers in this new unity cannot be capitalists. If they were there would be
no development. It wouldn't be a social revolution at all. Things have certain
contradictions, potentials and properties and they develop a certain way in
processes. The real contradiction in capitalism is between the class that owns
everything and the class that owns nothing. Other specific details of this
conflict are secondary. If the workers wear jeans and capitalists wear top hats
that doesn't mean they'll switch their clothes during the revolution because its
not what's relevant to the struggle.
However, if workers struggle with capitalists, and
every object and process in the entire universe changes into that with which
it struggles, if the DM-classics are to be believed, then we are forced to
conclude that this theory implies
workers must change into capitalists!
MLT can only derive what he thinks he can by
ignoring (2) above, once again.
And he is right when he says this:
The workers in
this new unity cannot be capitalists. If they were there would be no
development. It wouldn't be a social revolution at all. Things have certain
contradictions, potentials and properties and they develop a certain way in
processes. The real contradiction in capitalism is between the class that owns
everything and the class that owns nothing. Other specific details of this
conflict are secondary. If the workers wear jeans and capitalists wear top hats
that doesn't mean they'll switch their clothes during the revolution because its
not what's relevant to the struggle.
Which constitutes an effective reductio ad
absurdum of the 'dialectical theory of change',
for this is exactly what
DM implies: "If they were there would be no development. It wouldn't be a social
revolution at all."
This isn't to deny change, only to assert that DM
can't cope with it -- indeed, if true, DM would make change impossible.
Plainly, the lesson we should learn from all this is:
ditch DM -- the sooner the better!
Here is Konstantinov (I am restricting myself to quoting only those DM-theorists
is likely to regard as authoritative):
"This law explains one of the
most important features of dialectical development: motion, development takes
place as self-motion, self-development. This concept
is highly relevant to materialism. It means that the world develops not as a
result of any external causes but by virtue of its own laws, the laws of motion
of matter itself. It has dialectical meaning because it indicates that the
source, the motive force of development of phenomena is to be found in
their internal contradictions.
In the past some materialists who rejected
any supernatural force as a constant factor influencing natural processes
nevertheless had to fall back on the mysterious 'first impulse' that was
supposed to have set matter in motion.
"The dialectical doctrine
that the motion or development of nature is in fact self-motion,
self-development, explains why many contemporary bourgeois philosophers are
so vehement in their attacks on the proposition of the contradictory essence of
things. Development understood in this way leaves no room for a
'transcendental', mystical 'creative force' external to nature...."
et al (1974), pp.144-45. Italic emphases in the original. Bold
emphases added.]
here are two other communist theoreticians:
"...[Previous philosophers]
did not recognise the contradictoriness of being and were compelled, therefore,
either to reject motion, or turn to God, declaring Him the final cause of all
changes in the world. Heraclitus was the first to propose that contradiction is
the source of motion. Hegel, however, developed the idea on an idealist basis,
with respect to pure thought, but only dialectical materialism substantiated
this proposition on a truly scientific basis...." [Sheptulin (1978), p.266.]
"The source of the internal
activity of matter lies within it.... Motion is absolute, for it is unrelated to
anything external that could determine it. There is nothing else in the world
except eternally moving matter, its forms, properties and manifestations.
"Any way of constructing
[construing? RL] rest as absolute is as intolerable in the conception of motion,
as it is in the relativist interpretation of the latter. Many philosophers,
however, adhered precisely to such views since they regarded substance as
something inert and immutable, and explained the motion of natural bodies
through the action of an outside force. Logically this gave rise to the
following question: if one body sets another in motion, the latter a third,
etc., how then did they start to move? Who wound up the clock of the mechanism
of nature? Those who reasoned this way had to recognise the existence of
something that provided the initial impulse. Relative to seemingly motionless
nature such an entity could only be God...."
(1981), pp.63-64.]
2. I am posting here several
examples of popular accounts of genuine science (technical examples can
be found in any academic science journal, such as Nature) -- these have
been taken from Essay Seven Part One:
In late
September 2011 the
news media were
full of stories about
an experiment that seemed to show that a beam of
exceeded the speed of light. Here is a brief description of the lengths to
which scientists went to check this result:
"'Light-speed' neutrinos point to new physical reality
"Subatomic particles have broken the
universe's fundamental speed limit, or so it was reported last week.
The speed of light is the ultimate limit on travel in the universe,
and the basis for
Einstein's special theory of relativity, so if the
finding stands up to scrutiny, does it spell the end for physics as
we know it? The reality is less simplistic and far more interesting.
"'People were saying this means Einstein is
wrong,' says physicist Heinrich Päs of the Technical University of
Dortmund in Germany. 'But that's not really correct.'
"Instead, the result could be the first
evidence for a reality built out of extra dimensions. Future
historians of science may regard it not as the moment we abandoned
Einstein and broke physics, but rather as the point at which our
view of space vastly expanded, from three dimensions to four, or
"'This may be a physics revolution,' says
Thomas Weiler at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee,
who has devised theories built on extra dimensions. 'The famous
words 'paradigm shift' are used too often and tritely, but they
might be relevant.'
"The subatomic particles -- neutrinos -- seem
to have zipped faster than light from
CERN, near Geneva,
Switzerland, to the OPERA detector at the
Gran Sasso lab near L'Aquila, Italy. It's a conceptually simple
result: neutrinos making the 730-kilometre journey arrived 60
nanoseconds earlier than they would have if they were travelling
at light speed. And it relies on three seemingly simple
measurements, says Dario Autiero of the Institute of Nuclear Physics
in Lyon, France, a member of the OPERA collaboration: the distance
between the labs, the time the neutrinos left
and the time they arrived at Gran Sasso.
"But actually measuring those times and
distances to the accuracy needed to detect nanosecond differences is
no easy task. The OPERA collaboration spent three years chasing down
every source of error they could imagine...before Autiero made the
result public in a seminar at CERN on 23 September.
"Physicists grilled Autiero for an hour
after his talk to ensure the team had considered details like the
curvature of the Earth, the tidal effects of the moon and the
general relativistic effects of having two clocks at different
heights (gravity slows time so a clock closer to Earth's surface
runs a tiny bit slower).
"They were impressed. 'I want to congratulate
you on this extremely beautiful experiment,' said Nobel laureate
Samuel Ting of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology after
Autiero's talk. 'The experiment is very carefully done, and the
systematic error carefully checked.'
"Most physicists still expect some sort of
experimental error to crop up and explain the anomaly, mainly
because it contravenes the incredibly successful
law of special relativity which
holds that the speed of light is a constant that no object can
exceed. The theory also leads to the famous equation E =
"Hotly anticipated are results from other
neutrino detectors, including
T2K in Japan and
Fermilab in Illinois, which will run similar experiments and
confirm the results or rule them out (see 'Fermilab
stops hunting Higgs, starts neutrino quest')....
"Even if relativity is pushed
aside, Einstein has worked so well for so long that
he will never really go away. At worst, relativity will
turn out to work for most of the universe but not all,
just as Newton's mechanics work until things get
extremely large or small. 'The fact that Einstein has
worked for 106 years means he'll always be there, either
as the right answer or a low-energy effective theory,'
Weiler says." [Grossman (2011),
pp.7-9. Bold emphases added; quotation marks altered
to conform to the conventions adopted at this site. Subsequent experiments have
confirmed this anomalous result, but some scientists think
they have found a flaw.]
is how genuine science is
practiced. Three years looking
for possible errors! Even today (this was written in late 2011), scientists around the world are still
pouring over the data, examining it closely for mistakes, in the experimental
details or in the
interpretation of their results. They certainly don't attack each other for having the temerity
to question Einstein. Nor do they
moan about "pedantry" when their work is peer reviewed; and they
definitely don't
retreat into a 'dialectical sulk' and refuse to engage with those who insist on
their work being checked and double-checked.
That is the
difference between science and dialectical sectarianism. And, it takes a little more than a few references to balding heads,
boiling water, melting points, or the ambiguous fighting habits of the Mamelukes to
refute even a remotely possible counter-example to Einstein's theory.
Oddly enough,
a hasty
reference to the a
priori and dogmatic musings of a Hermetic Mystic
who lived 200 years ago isn't sufficient, either.
Update March 2012: The above experiment has been repeated
far more carefully,
and it now appears that neutrinos do not travel faster than light:
"Neutrinos clocked at light-speed in new
Icarus test
"By Jason Palmer
Science and technology reporter, BBC
experiment to repeat a test of the speed of
subatomic particles known as neutrinos has
found that they do not travel faster than
light. Results announced in September
suggested that neutrinos can exceed light
speed, but were met with scepticism as that
would upend Einstein's theory of relativity.
A test run by a different group at the same
laboratory has now clocked them travelling
at precisely light speed.
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Again, this is how genuine science is
conducted -- typically, results have to be rigorously tested (and
re-tested) before they are accepted
and are published in the scientific literature and then in the textbooks -- unlike Mickey Mouse DM-'Science'.
Consider another example -- the following is a brief description of the
precautions (highlighted in bold) taken by one scientist trying to ascertain a more accurate value for the
Gravitational Constant, G:
"Harold Parks's belongings were already leaving for France
when he realised gravity had given him the slip. 'The movers were in my
apartment taking my stuff away,' he says. He was in his lab at the research
JILA in Boulder,
Colorado, making the final checks on an experiment that had taken up the past
two years of his life -- to precisely measure the strength of gravity. 'The
signal shouldn't have changed,' he recalls. 'But it did.'
"That was 10 years ago. Having relocated, for a while
Parks was tempted to give up on gravity. But the force exerts a mysterious pull
on those who measure it. After a sojourn at the high temple of metrology, the
International Bureau of Weights and Measures
(BIPM) in Paris, France, Parks was back in Boulder, rebuilding and improving his
old experiment....
"Meanwhile, Parks was beavering away in Boulder.
His and [his supervisor] Faller's experiment was a variant of an apparatus that
had been used to try to pin down big G before. It consisted of two free-hanging
pendulum bobs surrounded by four massive stacks of tungsten. Moving the tungsten
masses inwards...draws the bobs closer together by
an amount 1000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Still, the shift
is large enough to be picked up by a laser interferometer.
"Not that it is easy to be sure the movements are
down to gravity alone. 'It's about thinking of all the things the world can do
to you to muck up your experiment,' says Parks. The pair set up the pendulums in
a vacuum to avoid the effects of temperature changes and air resistance slowing
the pendulums' movements. They also floated the tungsten stacks on a thin layer
of air to stop them vibrating unexpectedly. Even so, tiptoeing anywhere near the
experiment was a no-no: the additional mass of a person would weigh down one
side of the floor and nudge the apparatus ever so slightly.
"The problems didn't stop at the doors of the
lab. Next to, and towering over, the basement where the experiment was situated
was a high-rise block. As the sun crept across the sky during the day, it warmed
first one side of the tower and then the other, causing it to expand unevenly.
The effect was to imperceptibly tilt the tower and everything attached to it,
including Parks's lab, first one way and then the other.
"Even that cruel trick was nothing compared to what was
unmasked the day the fire alarm sounded. 'There had been regular spikes in data
taken during the day,' says Parks. 'They just went quiet.' It turned out that a
surge in current each time the elevator moved in the tower caused a slight
change in the magnetisation of the pendulum bobs, moving them ever so slightly
and skewing the results." [Webb
(2011), pp.45-47. Quotation marks altered to
conform to the conventions adopted at this site. Bold emphases added.]
Do we see such attention to detail in Engels's work on DM, or in
that of subsequent DM-supporters?
Or, anything even remotely like it?
Other examples of continuous, node-free 'qualitative' change (in addition to
several others listed above, concerning melting metals, glass, tar, butter,
etc., etc.) include the following (this has also been taken from Essay Seven
Part One):
When heated, objects change in quality from cold to
warm and then to hot, with no "nodal" point separating these particular qualitative stages.
Hot water is significantly "qualitatively" different from cold water. The same happens in reverse when they cool.
Moving bodies similarly speed up from slow to fast (and vice versa)
without any "nodal" punctuation marks affecting this transition.
Bodies with a high relative velocity are "qualitatively" different from those
with a low relative velocity -- and who doubt this should stand in front of a
stationary bus, and then in front of one moving at top speed. [Only joking!] In like manner,
the change from one colour to the next in the normal colour spectrum is
continuous, with no "nodal" points evident at all -- and this is also the case
with the colour changes that bodies experience when they are heated until they
are red-, or white-hot. Sounds, too, change smoothly from soft to loud, and in pitch
from low to high, and then back again in a "node"-free environment. In fact, with
respect to wave-governed phenomena in general, change seems to be continuous
rather than discrete, which means that since the majority of particles/objects
in nature move in such a manner, most things in reality seem to disobey this
aspect of Engels's rather unimpressive 'Law' -- at least, at the macroscopic level. Hence, here we have countless changes in "quality"
that are non-"nodal".
To be sure, some
wave-like changes are said to occur discontinuously (indeed, the word "node" is
used precisely here by Physicists), but this isn't the result
of continuous background changes. For example, quantum phenomena are
notoriously discontinuous, and such changes are not preceded by
continual or gradual quantitative increases, as this 'Law' demands. They occur
suddenly with no build-up. So, discontinuous quantum phenomena can't be
recruited to
fit this 'Law' -- unless, of course, it is altered on a
post hoc basis so that they can.
Naturally, that done, this 'Law' would no longer be
Some might complain that the above examples aren't of the
right type, and therefore do not refute the theory, but until we are told with
greater clarity what (i) a "node" is (and how long they are supposed to last),
what (ii) counts as a "quality", what (iii) constitutes the
"addition"/"subtraction" of matter and/or energy, what (iv) the thermodynamic
boundaries of an object, process or system are -- and, indeed, what (v)
constitutes a single body, system or process -- the above counter-examples still
To this end, DM-theorists could
get their act together and specify a minimum time
interval during which a phase or state of matter transition must take place for it to be counted as
"nodal". In relation to boiling water, say, they could decide that if the
transition from water to steam (or vice versa) takes place in an interval
lasting less than or equal to k seconds/minutes (for some k), then it is indeed "nodal". Thus, by dint of
just such a stipulation, their 'Law' could be made to work (at least in this
respect) in this instance. But, there is
nothing in nature that forces any of this on us -- the reverse is, if anything,
the case. Phase/state of matter changes, and changes in general take different
lengths of time.
Moreover, under
differing circumstances even these intervals can alter, too. If so, as noted above,
this 'Law' would become 'valid' only because of yet another stipulation, or
imposition, which would make
it eminently 'subjective'.
However, given the
strife-riven and
nature of dialectical politics, any attempt to define a DM-"node" could lead to
yet more factions. Thus, we are sure to see emerge the rightist "Nanosecond
Tendency" -- sworn enemies of the "Picosecond Left Opposition" -- who will both
take up arms with the 'eclectic' wing at the "it depends on the circumstances"
'clique' at the 'centrist' "Femtosecond League".
In this respect, also worth repeating is a point
made earlier:
But, the volunteered DM-objection...that different states of matter are different "kinds of things"...only goes to show how vague the 'definition'
of "quality" is. Indeed, it
allows DM-supporters to count different states of matter -- but not shape, colour,
heat or motion -- as different "kind of things"; so that, for example, an
object in motion isn't counted as a different "kind of thing" from the same
object at rest; or that spherical or cylindrical ingots of iron aren't different
"kinds of thing". Sure, gases, liquids and solids have different physical
properties, but so do moving and stationary bodies, and so do spherical and
cylindrical objects. And so do different colours; as do coloured objects. It isn't easy to see why green
and red objects aren't different "kinds of things" if liquids and solids are
allowed to be. And, it is no use pointing to the "objective" nature of states of matter as
opposed to the "subjective" nature of colour, since shape and motion are just as
Atkins, P., and de Paula, J., (2006), Physical Chemistry
(Oxford University Press).
Clayden, J., Greeves, N., Warren, S., and Wothers, P. (2001), Organic Chemistry
(Oxford University Press).
Cornforth, F. (1976), Materialism And The
Dialectical Method (Lawrence & Wishart, 5th ed.).
[A copy of the 1968 edition is available
Engels, F. (1954), Dialectics Of Nature
(Progress Publishers).
--------, (1976),
Anti-Dühring (Foreign
Languages Press).
Gollobin, I. (1986), Dialectical
Materialism. Its Laws, Categories And Practice (Petras Press).
Grossman, L. (2011), 'Neutrinos
Point To A New Reality', New Scientist 211, 2823, 01/10/11,
Hegel, G. (1975),
translated by William Wallace
(Oxford University Press, 3rd
--------, (1999),
Science Of Logic,
translated by A. V. Miller
(Humanity Books).
Kharin, Y. (1981), Fundamentals Of
Dialectics (Progress Publishers).
Konstantinov, F. et al (1974),
The Fundamentals Of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy (Progress Publishers, 2nd ed.).
Kuusinen, O. (1961) (ed.), Fundamentals Of Marxism-Leninism
(Lawrence & Wishart).
Lenin, V. (1921), 'Once Again On The Trade
Unions, The Current Situation And The Mistakes Of Comrades Trotsky And
Bukharin', reprinted in Lenin (1980), pp.70-106.
--------, (1961),
Collected Works Volume 38 (Progress Publishers).
--------, (1972),
Materialism And
Empirio-Criticism (Foreign Languages Press).
Mao Tse-Tung (1961a),
Selected Works Of Mao
Tse-Tung, Volume One (Foreign Languages Press).
--------, (1961b), 'On
Contradiction', in Mao (1961a), pp.311-47.
Plekhanov, G. (1956),
The Development Of The
Monist View Of History (Progress Publishers). This is reprinted in
Plekhanov (1974), pp.480-737.
--------, (1974), Selected Philosophical
Works, Volume One (Progress Publishers, 2nd
Sheptulin, A. (1978), Marxist-Leninist
Philosophy (Progress Publishers).
Webb, R. (2011), 'Notorious
Big', New Scientist 210, 2808, 23/04/2011, pp.44-47. [The
on-line article has a different title.]
Woods, A., and Grant, T. (2007),
Reason In Revolt. Marxism And
Modern Science (Wellred Publications, 2nd
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